
CVE Details

Release Date:2014-05-06


It was found that libvirt passes the XML_PARSE_NOENT flag when parsing XML documents using the libxml2 library, in which case all XML entities in the parsed documents are expanded. A user able to force libvirtd to parse an XML document with an entity pointing to a file could use this flaw to read the contents of that file (limited to libvirt as shipped with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7); parsing an XML document with an entity pointing to a special file that blocks on read access could cause libvirtd to hang indefinitely, resulting in a denial of service on the system.

See more information about CVE-2014-0179 from MITRE CVE dictionary and NIST NVD

CVSS v2.0 metrics

NOTE: The following CVSS v2.0 metrics and score provided are preliminary and subject to review.

Base Score: 3.3 Base Metrics: AV:A/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P
Access Vector: Adjacent network Attack Complexity: Low
Authentication: None required Confidentiality Impact: None
Integrity Impact: None Availability Impact: Partial

Errata information

PlatformErrataRelease Date
Oracle Linux version 6 (libvirt)ELSA-2014-05602014-05-27
Oracle Linux version 7 (libvirt)ELSA-2014-09142014-07-23

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