
CVE Details

Release Date:2017-10-26


The http.c:skip_short_body() function is called in some circumstances,such as when processing redirects. When the response is sent chunked in wget before 1.19.2, the chunk parser uses strtol() to read each chunk's length, but doesn't check that the chunk length is a non-negative number. The code then tries to skip the chunk in pieces of 512 bytes by using the MIN() macro, but ends up passing the negative chunk length to connect.c:fd_read(). As fd_read() takes an int argument, the high 32 bits of the chunk length are discarded, leaving fd_read() with a completely attacker controlled length argument.

See more information about CVE-2017-13089 from MITRE CVE dictionary and NIST NVD

CVSS v2.0 metrics

NOTE: The following CVSS v2.0 metrics and score provided are preliminary and subject to review.

Base Score: 9.3 Base Metrics: AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C
Access Vector: Network Attack Complexity: Medium
Authentication: None required Confidentiality Impact: Complete
Integrity Impact: Complete Availability Impact: Complete

Errata information

PlatformErrataRelease Date
Oracle Linux version 7 (wget)ELSA-2017-30752017-10-26

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