
CVE Details

Release Date:2024-01-10


A Cross-site request forgery vulnerability exists in ipa/session/login_password in all supported versions of IPA. This flaw allows an attacker to trick the user into submitting a request that could perform actions as the user, resulting in a loss of confidentiality and system integrity. During community penetration testing it was found that for certain HTTP end-points FreeIPA does not ensure CSRF protection. Due to implementation details one cannot use this flaw for reflection of a cookie representing already logged-in user. An attacker would always have to go through a new authentication attempt.

See more information about CVE-2023-5455 from MITRE CVE dictionary and NIST NVD

CVSS v3.0 metrics

NOTE: The following CVSS v3.0 metrics and score provided are preliminary and subject to review.

Base Score: 6.5 Base Metrics: AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:N/I:H/A:N
Access Vector: Network Attack Complexity: Low
Privileges Required: None User Interaction: Required
Scope: Unchanged Confidentiality Impact: None
Integrity Impact: High Availability Impact: None

Errata information

PlatformErrataRelease Date
Oracle Linux version 7 (ipa)ELSA-2024-01452024-01-10
Oracle Linux version 8 (bind-dyndb-ldap)ELSA-2024-01432024-01-12
Oracle Linux version 8 (custodia)ELSA-2024-01432024-01-12
Oracle Linux version 8 (ipa)ELSA-2024-01432024-01-12
Oracle Linux version 8 (ipa-healthcheck)ELSA-2024-01432024-01-12
Oracle Linux version 8 (opendnssec)ELSA-2024-01432024-01-12
Oracle Linux version 8 (python-jwcrypto)ELSA-2024-01432024-01-12
Oracle Linux version 8 (python-kdcproxy)ELSA-2024-01432024-01-12
Oracle Linux version 8 (python-qrcode)ELSA-2024-01432024-01-12
Oracle Linux version 8 (python-yubico)ELSA-2024-01432024-01-12
Oracle Linux version 8 (pyusb)ELSA-2024-01432024-01-12
Oracle Linux version 8 (slapi-nis)ELSA-2024-01432024-01-12
Oracle Linux version 8 (softhsm)ELSA-2024-01432024-01-12
Oracle Linux version 9 (ipa)ELSA-2024-01412024-01-11

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