
ELBA-2019-0524 - pcs bug fix update

Release Date:2019-04-03


- Bump and rebuild

- replace logo pcsd/public/favicon.ico in tarball
- remove Source1 HAM-logo.png

- no longer spawns unnecessary processes for reading node tokens
- Fixed a bug causing most of the messages not being logged into pcsd.log
- Lower load caused by periodical config files syncing in pcsd by making it sync less frequently
- Improve logging of periodical config files syncing in pcsd
- Resolves: rhbz#1683959 rhbz#1683957 rhbz#1683958

- Fix instance attributes setting for fence agents and

- Resolves: rhbz#1623181

- Fixed error messages
- Fixed avaliable watchdog devices listing
- Resolves: rhbz#1475318

- Fixed for old crm_feature_set
- Resolves: rhbz#1488044

- Fixed unhandled exception during a start support check
- Resolves: rhbz#1572886

- Fixed validation for an unaccessible resource inside a bundle
- Fixed test of watchdog devices
- Fixed command
- Fixed large key files distribution
- Resolves: rhbz#1462248 rhbz#1475318 rhbz#1599758 rhbz#1600169

- Rebased to latest upstream sources (see CHANGELOG.md)
- Resolves: rhbz#1572886 rhbz#1581150 rhbz#1579911 rhbz#1533849 rhbz#1557252 rhbz#1568353 rhbz#1574898 rhbz#1427273 rhbz#1475318 rhbz#1476862 rhbz#1535967 rhbz#1566382 rhbz#1588667 rhbz#1590533 rhbz#1403832 rhbz#1517333 rhbz#1529508

- Fixed license tag in specfile

- Added aarch64
- Resolves: rhbz#1568291

- Fixed CVE-2018-1086 pcs: Debug parameter removal bypass, allowing information disclosure
- Fixed CVE-2018-1079 pcs: Privilege escalation via authorized user malicious REST call
- Fixed CVE-2018-1000119 rack-protection: Timing attack in authenticity_token.rb
- Resolves: rhbz#1557253

- Fixed in a cluster when not authenticated and using a non-default port
- Fixed in a cluster when previously authenticated using a non-default port and reauthenticating using an implicit default port
- Resolves: rhbz#1415197

- Pcs now properly exits with code 1 when an error occurs in pcs cluster node add-remote and pcs cluster node add-guest commands
- Fixed a crash in the pcs booth sync command
- Resolves: rhbz#1464781 rhbz#1527530

- Changed snmp agent logfile path
- It is now possible to set the option of stonith devices in GUI by using force
- Do not crash when is used in
- A warning is displayed in and a stonith device detail in web UI when a stonith device has its option set to
- Resolves: rhbz#1367808 rhbz#1421702 rhbz#1522813 rhbz#1523378

- Rebased to latest upstream sources (see CHANGELOG.md)
- Resolves: rhbz#1389943 rhbz#1389209 rhbz#1506220 rhbz#1508351 rhbz#1415197 rhbz#1506864 rhbz#1367808 rhbz#1499749

- Rebased to latest upstream sources (see CHANGELOG.md)
- Resolves: rhbz#1499749 rhbz#1415197 rhbz#1501274 rhbz#1502715 rhbz#1230919 rhbz#1503110

- Rebased to latest upstream sources (see CHANGELOG.md)
- Resolves: rhbz#1499749 rhbz#1443647 rhbz#1432283 rhbz#1421702 rhbz#1443418 rhbz#1464781 rhbz#1435697 rhbz#1441673 rhbz#1420437 rhbz#1388783 rhbz#1463327 rhbz#1418199 rhbz#1341582 rhbz#1489682 rhbz#1491631 rhbz#1213946

- It is now possible to disable, enable, unmanage and manage bundle resources and set their meta attributes
- Fixed timeout when cluster setup takes long time in web UI
- It is now mandatory to specify container type in the 'resource bundle create' command
- Resolves: rhbz#1447910 rhbz#1284404

- uses existing pacemaker authkey if it exists
- shows only warning when case of remote node is detected
- Resolves: rhbz#1459503

- Added support for enable and disable in bundles
- New clusters are created with corosync encryption disabled by default
- Flag is backward compatible in
- Resolves: rhbz#1165821 rhbz#1433016 rhbz#1458153

- Added option to create not hardened cluster with the command using the flag
- Added option to create not hardened cluster from web UI
- Fixed a crash in the command when an id conflict occurs
- Fixed creating a new cluster from the web UI
- now works with the flag
- can be run again when the guest node was unreachable first time
- Fixed 'Error: Unable to read /etc/corosync/corosync.conf' when running ([rhbz#1386114])
- Binary data are stored in corosync authkey
- Resolves: rhbz#1284404 rhbz#1373614 rhbz#1165821 rhbz#1176018 rhbz#1386114

- Fixed crash of the command when the flag was used
- Fixed crash of the command when the cluster was not running
- Fixed crash of the command when restoring pacemaker authkey
- Fixed 'Error: unable to get cib' when adding a node to a stopped cluster
- Resolves: rhbz#1176018

- Rebased to latest upstream sources (see CHANGELOG.md)
- Resolves: rhbz#1447702 rhbz#1176018 rhbz#1433016 rhbz#1303969 rhbz#1386114 rhbz#1386512 rhbz#1390609 rhbz#1165821 rhbz#1315992 rhbz#1373614 rhbz#1422667 rhbz#1254984

- Rebased to latest upstream sources (see CHANGELOG.md)
- Resolves: rhbz#1362493 rhbz#1315627 rhbz#1378742 rhbz#1334429 rhbz#1402374 rhbz#1389941 rhbz#1303969 rhbz#1415080 rhbz#1328882 rhbz#1434972 rhbz#1413958

- Added ppc64le architecture
- Resolves: rhbz#1402573

- Rebased to latest upstream sources (see CHANGELOG.md)
- Resolves: rhbz#1409821 rhbz#1404233 rhbz#1408476 rhbz#1262001 rhbz#1389443 rhbz#1389941 rhbz#1315992 rhbz#1261116 rhbz#1389501 rhbz#1404229 rhbz#1284404 rhbz#1339355 rhbz#1347335 rhbz#1344712 rhbz#1395226 rhbz#1382004 rhbz#1378107 rhbz#1398562 rhbz#1402475 rhbz#1382597 rhbz#1389453 rhbz#1390071 rhbz#1390066 rhbz#1387670 rhbz#1292858 rhbz#1396462 rhbz#1419903 rhbz#1419661

- Fixed error when stopping qdevice if is not running
- Fixed removing qdevice from a cluster
- Fixed documentation regarding booth
- Fixed return code when no matching ticket constraint found during remove
- Resolves: rhbz#1158805 rhbz#1305049

- Added warning when stopping/destroying qdevice instance which is being used
- Fiexed removing qdevice from a cluster which uses sbd
- Fixed re-running 'pcs cluster node add' if it failed due to qdevice
- Fixed documentation regarding booth
- Added warning when using unknown booth ticket option
- Added constraint ticket remove command
- Fixed return code and message when displaying node utilization for nonexistent node
- Fixed setting utilization attributes in web UI
- Fixed support for node utilization on remote node
- Fixed updating of selected group when displaying new resource dialog
- Fixed group list when managing cluster running older pcs in web UI
- Fixed displaying unmanaged status for resources for older pcs in web UI
- Fixed clone/master/unclone group/ungroup buttons for older pcs in web UI
- Fixed node standby/unstandby for older pcs in web UI
- Resolves: rhbz#1158805 rhbz#1308514 rhbz#1305049 rhbz#1158500 rhbz#1231858

- Fixed error message in node maintenance/unmaintenance commands
- Fixed missing line at the end of booth config
- Fixed documentation regarding booth
- Fixed remove multiple booth resources with '--force' flag
- Fixed cleanup of ip resource if it fails to create booth resource
- Added bash completion for booth
- Fixed display full booth configuration
- Added ability to display booth config from remote node
- Added support for ticket options during adding booth ticket
- Fixed adding node to cluster when booth is not installed
- Added restart command for booth
- Fixed check if auto_tie_breaker is required when enabling sbd
- Improved way of displaying status of unmanaged primitive resources in web UI
- Resolves: rhbz#1247088 rhbz#1308514 rhbz#1164402 rhbz#1264360

- Added possibility to hide inactive resources in 'pcs resource show' command
- Fixed exceptions handling when waiting for response from user in command line
- Fixed nonexisting resource detection in pcsd
- Fixed SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT option value validation
- Removed possibility to change SBD_PACEMAKER
- Fixed exception when disabling service on systemd systems
- Added automatic auto_tie_breaker quorum option set whenever it is needed for SBD to work
- Fixed setting sbd watchdog in config
- Fixed error handling when upgrading cib schema
- Improved consistency of syntax 'pcs alert recipient add' command
- Resolves: rhbz#1298585 rhbz#1354498 rhbz#1346852 rhbz#1164402 rhbz#1315371 rhbz#1366307

- Fixed documentation regarding clufter
- Added possibility to change order of resources in a group in web UI
- Added support for unmanaged resources in web UI
- Added support for booth (cluster ticket manager)
- Resolves: rhbz#1357945 rhbz#1281391 rhbz#1264360 rhbz#1308514

- Fixed traceback when stopping pcsd shortly after start
- Fixed removing a dead node from a cluster
- Added support for clufter's 'dist' parameter
- Fixed filtering by property name in 'pcs property show'
- Fixed an error in web UI when removing resources takes a long time
- Fixed occasional missing optional arguments of resources in web UI
- Improved help for alerts
- Fixed recreating a remote node resource
- Fixed exceptions when authenticating cluster nodes
- Fixed permissions for bash completion file
- Resolves: rhbz#1348579 rhbz#1225423 rhbz#1357945 rhbz#1302010 rhbz#1301993 rhbz#1346852 rhbz#1231858 rhbz#1315371 rhbz#1303136 rhbz#1329472 rhbz#1359154 rhbz#1349465

- Added colocation constraint support in web UI
- Fixed displaying cluster config when cib is provided as a file
- Removed side effect on /etc/hosts during build
- Recipient id is used as identifier in alarms
- Improved quorum device commands syntax
- Fixed pcs client for running on a remote node
- Resolves: rhbz#1281364 rhbz#1269242 rhbz#1353607 rhbz#1315371 rhbz#1158805 rhbz#1289418

- Added support for pacemaker alerts
- Added support for qdevice/qnetd provided by corosync
- Fixed sbd calls on python3
- Fixed bad request when resource removal takes longer than pcs expects
- Added support for set expected votes on a live cluster
- Added a wrapper for holding SELinux context when pcsd is started by systemd
- Resolves: rhbz#1315371 rhbz#1158805 rhbz#1164402 rhbz#1346852 rhbz#1327739 rhbz#1348579 rhbz#1349465

- Specified achitectures matching with pacemaker and corosync
- Resolves: rhbz#1299847

- Rebased to latest upstream sources
- Added support for sbd configuration
- Added support for constraint tickets in web UI
- Added warning to pcs quorum unblock command
- Fixes in manpage and built-in help
- Config files marked as config
- Resolves: rhbz#1299847 rhbz#1164402 rhbz#1305049 rhbz#1264566 rhbz#1225946 rhbz#1231858 rhbz#1328066 rhbz#1341114

- Added missing requirements for python-setuptools
- Resolves: rhbz#1299847

- Rebased to latest upstream sources
- Added support for utilization attributes
- Optimized pcs status command
- Fixes in manpage and built-in help
- Improved resource cleanups
- Added --wait support for cluster start and node standby commands
- Improved resource and fence agent options in web UI
- Added ability to put a node into maintenance mode
- Fixed adding acl permission when targed id does not exists
- Fixed deleting resource when referenced in acl
- Improved pcsd launch script
- Added automatically setting provides=unfencing meta attribute for stonith device
- Improved Cluster Properties page in web UI
- Fixed page update after adding group in web UI
- Fixed deleting group (clones) when managing older cluster in web UI
- Fixed stonith update command when fence agents fails to get metadata
- Added support for putting Pacemaker Remote nodes into standby
- Added support for omission stopped resources in status command
- Added login input sanitization in web UI
- Added config settings for SSL options and ciphers
- Improved resource update command to inform user about missused op settings
- Spec file fixes
- Added support for constraint tickets from command line
- Fixed CVE-2016-0720 pcs: Cross-Site Request Forgery in web UI
- Fixed CVE-2016-0721 pcs: cookies are not invalidated upon logout
- Resolves: rhbz#1299847 rhbz#1158500 rhbz#1207405 rhbz#1219581 rhbz#1225946 rhbz#1220512 rhbz#1229822 rhbz#1231858 rhbz#1247088 rhbz#1248990 rhbz#1249085 rhbz#1252050 rhbz#1262773 rhbz#1281371 rhbz#1283562 rhbz#1286664 rhbz#1287320 rhbz#1290512 rhbz#1298585 rhbz#1305786 rhbz#1315652 rhbz#1321021 rhbz#1315743 rhbz#1315357 rhbz#1305049 rhbz#1335779 rhbz#1330884

- Fixed setting cluster properties in web UI
- Resolves: rhbz#1272412

- Fixed remaining issues when managing resources/groups/etc. that were
previously unmanaged
- Resolves: rhbz#1268801

- Fixed issue managing resources that were clones and had the unmanaged
meta attribute set under the clone/master
- Resolves: rhbz#1268801

- Fix for crm_node -l output change
- Resolves: rhbz#1265425

- Web UI fixes
- Added more detailed warnings for 'pcs stonith confirm'
- Resolves: rhbz#1189857 rhbz#1245264

- Multiple fixes in web UI (dashboard, nodes, resources, fence devices)
- Fixed an authentication issue in web UI
- Port parameter of fence agents is now considered optional
- Resolves: rhbz#1158566 rhbz#1188361 rhbz#1189857

- Fixes in loading cluster status for web UI
- Fixed checking user/group membership
- Fixed a typo in an error message
- Resolves: #rhbz1158566 #rhbz1158569 #rhbz1158571

- Multiple fixes in web UI
- Fixed crash on missing nagios agents metadata
- Check user/group membership on each request
- Print output of crm_resource in pcs resource cleanup
- Resolves: #rhbz1158571 #rhbz1189857 #rhbz1235022 #rhbz1257369

- Added missing dependency on openssl
- Resolves: #rhbz1158577

- Fixed pcsd certificates synchronization
- Multiple fixes in web UI
- Resolves: #rhbz1158566 #rhbz1158577 #rhbz1189857

- Fixed issue causing traceback on pcsd stop
- Resolves: #rhbz#1258619

- Fixed relocation of remote nodes to their optimal node
- Fixed pcs/pcsd path detection
- Fixed command injection vulnerability
- Resolves: #rhbz1122818 #rhbz1253294 #rhbz1253491

- Fixed relocation of unique clone resources to their optimal node
- Improved logging of node to node communication
- Fixed 'Add resource' form in web UI
- Fixed support for nagios agents
- Resolves: rhbz#1122818 rhbz#1158577 rhbz#1189857 rhbz#1235022

- Added support for setting permissions for users and groups to clusters managed by web UI
- Resources are now displayed in a tree (clone, master/slave, group, primitive) in web UI
- Renamed 'pcs resource relocate clean' command to 'pcs resource relocate clear'
- Improved logging of config files synchronization
- Various fixes in Resources tab in web UI
- Added missing dependecy on initscripts to the spec file
- Fixed traceback when running 'pcs resource enable clvmd --wait'
- Resolves: rhbz#1122818 rhbz#1158571 rhbz#1158577 rhbz#1182119 rhbz#1189857 rhbz#1198640 rhbz#1219574 rhbz#1243579 rhbz#1247818 rhbz#1250720

- Cleaned up tarball

- Rebase to latest upstream sources
- Added ability to set hostname when using IP address to create a cluster
- Added ability to clear out tokens with pcs pcsd clear-auth
- Added ability to use nagios agents
- Fixed issue with orphaned resources causing GUI to fail to work properly
- More dashboard fixes
- Synchronize files between pcsd instances in a cluster to allow for HA pcsd
- ACL role fixes for pcs/pcsd
- Resolves: rhbz#118310 rhbz#1207805 rhbz#1235022 rhbz#1198222 rhbz#1158566 rhbz#1158577 rhbz#1166160

- Rebased to latest upstream packages
- Added a command to relocate resources to their preferred host
- Fixed the dashboard in web UI
- Configure corosync to log to a file
- Added warning when creating a duplicate resource operation
- Added support for debugging resource agents
- Do not automatically use --force when removing a resource using web UI
- Fixed pcsd communication when one of the nodes is not authenticated
- Updated ruby gems
- Spec file fixes
- Resolves: rhbz#1198265 rhbz#1122818 rhbz#1158566 rhbz#1163671 rhbz#1175400 rhbz#1185096 rhbz#1198274 rhbz#1213429 rhbz#1231987 rhbz#1232644 rhbz#1233574

- Rebased to latest upstream packages
- Added a note to man page and help poiting to cluster properties description
- Fixed parsing of the corosync.conf file
- Fixed diferences between the 'pcs cluster status' and 'pcs status cluster' commands as one is documented to be an alias of the other
- Do not remove constraints referencing a group when removing a resource from the group
- Added dashboard showing status of clusters to web UI
- Added node authentication dialog to web UI
- Added synchronization of web UI configuration files across cluster nodes
- Fixed node authentication when one of the nodes is unreachable
- Fixed an error message in the 'pcs config restore' command if a node is not authenticated
- Fixed parsing of 'pcs acl role create' command's parameters
- Properly overwrite a tokens file if its contents is unparsable
- The 'pcs config' command now displays resources defaults and operations defaults
- Show a useful error message when attempting to add a duplicate fence level in web UI
- Added the require-all parameter to ordering constraints listing
- Fixed VirtualDomain resource removal when there are constraints for the resource
- Added a warning when removing a cluster node may cause a loss of the quorum
- Fixed an error when uncloning a non-cloned resource
- Fixed an error when removing a resource from a cloned group
- Fixed waiting for resource commands to finish
- Fixed 'pcs cluster start' and similar commands when run under a non-root account
- Fixed parsing of 'pcs constraint order set' command's parameters
- Fixed an error when creating a resource with an id which already exists
- Improved man page and help for the 'pcs resource move' and 'pcs resource ban' commands
- Fixed an error when referencing a non-existing acl role in 'pcs acl' commands
- Fixed an error when adding an invalid stonith level
- Fixed constraints removal and node standby / unstandby using remote web UI
- Fixed formatting of resource / fence agent description
- Fence agent description now contains information about the agent
- The 'pcs status --full' command now displays node attributes and migration summary
- Clufter moved to a standalone package
- Fixed pcsd communication when one of the nodes is not authenticated
- Fixed a timeout value in the fence_xvm agent form
- Fixed the 'pcs resource enable' command when working with clones and multi-state resources
- Resolves: rhbz#1198265 rhbz#1121791 rhbz#1134426 rhbz#1158491 rhbz#1158537 rhbz#1158566 rhbz#1158569 rhbz#1158577 rhbz#1163682 rhbz#1165803 rhbz#1166160 rhbz#1170205 rhbz#1176687 rhbz#1182793 rhbz#1182986 rhbz#1183752 rhbz#1186692 rhbz#1187320 rhbz#1187571 rhbz#1188571 rhbz#1196412 rhbz#1197758 rhbz#1199073 rhbz#1201452 rhbz#1202457 rhbz#1204880 rhbz#1205653 rhbz#1206214 rhbz#1206219 rhbz#1206223 rhbz#1212904 rhbz#1213429 rhbz#1215198 rhbz#1218979

- Fixes cluster property name validation
- Resolves: rhbz#1218478

- Fixes issues with cookie signing in pcsd
- Resolves: rhbz#1211568

- Do not set two_nodes=1 in corosync.conf when auto_tie_breaker=1 is set
- Resolves: rhbz#1197770

- Keep cluster quorate during destruction as long as possible
- Resolves: rhbz#1180506

- Warn if stopping nodes will cause a loss of the quorum
- Resolves: rhbz#1180506

- Stop cluster nodes in parallel and keep cluster quorate during pacemaker
- Resolves: rhbz#1180506

- Stop deleted resource before removing its constraints
- Resolves: rhbz#1180390

- Added acl enable and disable commands
- Display whether acls are enabled in the 'pcs acl' output
- Resolves: rhbz#1054491

- Configuration of resource-discovery is now available on advanced location
constraint rules
- Resolves: rhbz#1054491

- When a role is removed in the GUI the user is now automatically deleted
if they aren't members of another role
- Resolves: rhbz#1054491

- Allowed configuration of resource-discovery option on location constraint
- Resolves: rhbz#1054491

- Fixed error message when creating a user with the same name as a role
- When a role is removed in the GUI the user is now automatically deleted
if they aren't members of another role
- Resolves: rhbz#1054491

- Fixed displaying globally-unique clones in GUI
- Added latest version of clufter package
- Resolves: rhbz#1170150 rhbz#1133897

- Added latest version of clufter package
- Resolves: rhbz#1133897

- Improved error messages for scoped cib operations
- Fixed waiting for resource commands to finish
- Resolves: rhbz#1115537 rhbz#1156311

- Added support for score-attribute in location rules in GUI
- Added ability to wait for resource commands to finish
- Fix clufter doc files installed with executable flag
- Resolves: rhbz#1111368 rhbz#1156311 rhbz#1073075 rhbz#1133897

- Added latest version of clufter package
- Resolves: rhbz#1133897

- Added support for 'pcs resource restart'
- Added ability to wait for a resource to start after creation
- Fixed issue with backports and ruby 2.0.0p576
- Fix for deleting a resource with a large number of options
- Fix warning when unpacking a pcs config tarball
- Resolves: rhbz#1111368 rhbz#1156311 rhbz#1156597

- Added new clufter package
- Rebased to latest upstream sources
- Constraints tables are collapsed properly
- Resolves: rhbz#1111368 rhbz#1145560

- Rebased to latest upstream packages
- Resolves: rhbz#1111368

- Rebased to latest upstream packages
- Resolves: rhbz#1111368

- Rebased to latest upstream packages
- Resolves: rhbz#1111368

- Rebased to latest upstream packages
- Resolves: rhbz#1111368
- Added python-clufter subpackage (configuration conversion tool)
- Related: rhbz#1133897

- Rebased to latest upstream packages
- Resolves: rhbz#1111368

- Rebased to latest upstream packages
- Resolves: rhbz#1111368

- Rebased to latest upstream packages
- Resolves: rhbz#1111368

- Rebased to latest upstream packages
- Resolves: rhbz#1111368

- Rebased to latest upstream packages
- Resolves: rhbz#1111368

- Add ability to set totem options with pcs during cluster setup

- Add ability to see group/clone/ms constraints and meta attributes in pcsd

- Fix traceback with bad arguments to location rules
- Fix results code when attempting to remove an order that doesn't exist

- Don't allow users to clone groups that have already been cloned
- Fix order remove to remove resources from sets
- Don't allow a user to force-start a group, clone or master/slave
- When using debug-start use proper return code
- Added cluster properties hover text
- Fixed issue with stripping a nil value
- HTML escape resource descriptions

- Remove leading/trailing white space in resource descriptions
- Added tooltips for advanced cluster creation options
- Fixed other 'Remove fence devices' button
- When deleting a resource with pcsd use --force to prevent issues
- Add proper tooltip for resource description info icon
- Fix for long cluster names in menu
- Do a better job of detecting when to send a redirect and when to notif
- Don't silently ignore bad operation names

- Added --nodesc option to pcs stonith list
- Don't attempt to print metadata for fence_sanlockd

- Fixed dialog text when removing a fence device
- Show tool tips for optional fence agent arguments
- Fix bad link on resource remove sprite
- When removing a resource or fence device, show blank info
- Fix resource management issues when pacemaker is not running
- If first node is down, allow other nodes to show resource/stonith forms
- Removing all nodes, now removes cluster configuration
- Added ability to see nodes corosync/pacemaker/pcsd startup settings
- Added extra colspan to improve long cluster name display
- Added ability to configure IPv6 cluster
- Added ability to set corosync transport in GUI
- Added ability to set advanced cluster options on creation
- Renamed last_node_standing to last_man_standing
- On cluster creation color unauthorized nodes in orange
- Added proper redirect when session variable times out
- Fixed traceback when missing authentication tokens

- Added support for meta attributes in the GUI
- Moved pcmk_host_list/map/check to optional arguments

- Added ability to use 'and/or' with rules
- Fixed stonith optional arguments in pcsd

- Fixed selection arrow when selecting new resource on resources page
- Fixed permissions on pcsd.service file

- Added support for resource descriptions
- Show all nodes a resource is on for cloned resources
- Improve visibility of dropdown menus
- Keep last attempted login username if login fails

- Fixed issue when removing all resources or fence devices
- Fixed duplicate id on fence device page

- Fixed issue when creating a cluster from the GUI on a node that isn't in
the newly formed cluster
- The GUI is now better at keeping track of nodes in the cluster

- Fixed issue with cluster properties not displaying properly when running
pcsd on a node that was not in the cluster being managed
- Fixed /etc/sysconfig/pcsd file for pcsd

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstream sources

- Re-synced to upstreams sources

- Re-synced to upstreams sources

- Rebuilt with new upstream sources

- Rebuilt with new upstream sources

- Rebuilt with new upstream sources

- Rebuilt with new upstream sources

- Rebuilt with new upstream sources
- Added pcsd wizards

- Rebuilt with new upstream sources

- Rebuilt with new upstream sources

- Rebuilt with upstream source
- Added missing bash completion file

- Rebuilt with upstream source

- Fix rpam error after adding systemd macros

- Rebuild with proper upstream sources

- Rebuild with upstream sources

- Added systemd macros

- Rebuild with upstream sources

- Rebuild with upstream sources

- Fix pcsd.conf source file location.

- Rebuild with upstream sources

- Rebuild with upstream sources

- Rebuild with upstream sources

- Rebuild with upstream sources

- Rebuild with upstream sources

- Rebuild with upstream sources

- Rebuild with upstream sources

- Rebuild with upstream sources

- Fix issues with ruby 2.0 build

- Rebuild with upstream sources

- Rebuild with upstream sources

- Rebuild with upstream sources

- Rebuild with upstream sources

- Rebuild with upstream sources

- Re-enable gem builds with fix for ruby 2.0.0

- Temporarily disable gem builds for ruby 2.0.0

- Re-synced to upstream

- Re-synced to upstream

- Re-synced to upstream
- Updated pcsd location to /usr/lib

- Re-synced to upstream

- Re-synced to upstream

- Updated build to properly manage combined pcs/pcsd

- Updated certificate generation code to fix firefox issues

- Added in missing pam service

- Add pam-devel to BuildRequires

- Resync to latest version of pcs/pcsd

- Resync to latest version of pcs/pcsd

- Resync to latest version of pcs/pcsd

- Resync to latest version of pcs/pcsd

- Resync to latest version of pcs and rename pcs-gui to pcsd

- Resync to latest version of pcs

- Resync to latest version of pcs

- Resync to latest version of pcs
- Move cluster creation options to cluster sub command.

- Resync to latest version of pcs which includes fixes to work with F17.

- Resynced to latest version of pcs

- Updated BuildRequires and %doc section for fedora

- Updated spec file for fedora specific changes

- Initial Build

Updated Packages

Release/ArchitectureFilenameMD5sumSuperseded By Advisory

This page is generated automatically and has not been checked for errors or omissions. For clarification or corrections please contact the Oracle Linux ULN team
