
ELBA-2021-17042 - certbot Bug Fix update

Release Date:2021-09-15


- enable '--preconfigured-renewal' also for EPEL8 (#1986205)

- Update to 1.18.0 (#1966771)

- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild

- Rebuilt for Python 3.10

- Update to 1.14.0 (#1946804)
- also own /var/log/letsencrypt (#1946000)

- Update to 1.13.0 (#1934815)

- Update to 1.12.0

- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild

- Update to 1.11.0 (#1913017)

- Update to 1.10.1 (#1904183)

- Update to 1.10.0 (#1903310)

- Update to 1.9.0

- Update to 1.8.0

- Update to 1.7.0 (#1866066)

- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild

- Update to 1.6.0 (#1854600)

- Update to 1.5.0 (#1843203)

- Rebuilt for Python 3.9

- Update to 1.4.0 (#1831914)

- remove subpackage 'python3-certbot-tests' which was committed by accident

- add subpackage 'python3-certbot-tests' on EPEL8

- Update to 1.3.0 (#1809807)

- re-added 'python-mock' as runtime dependency

- Update to 1.2.0 (#1791087)

- do not strip 'certbot.tests'

- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild

- Update to 1.1.0

- adapt conditions for EPEL8
- remove runtime dependency on mock

- Update to 1.0.0 (#1769107)

- Verify source OpenPGP signature

- Update to 0.39.0 (#1757575)

- Update to 0.38.0 (#1748612)

- Update to 0.37.2 (#1742577)

- Rebuilt for Python 3.8

- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild

- Update to 0.36.0

- Rebuilt to update automatic Python dependencies

- Update to 0.35.1 (#1717677)

- Fix build on Python 2

- Update --renew-hook to --deploy-hook (#1665755)

- Update to 0.34.2 (#1686184) (#1705300)
- Run renew timer twice daily with 12-hour random delay

- Fix acme dependency

- Update to 0.31.0 (#1673769)

- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild

- Update to 0.30.2 (#1669313)

- Disable certbot-level randomized delay on renew
- Run certbot renew non-interactively

- Update to 0.29.1
- Remove Python 2 package in Fedora 30+ (#1654016)

- Update to 0.28.0

- Update to 0.27.1 (#1627569)

- Properly create config and state directories (#1485745, #1613138)

- Update to 0.26.1 (#1600292)

- Update to 0.26.0 (#1600292)

- Clean up some rpmlint violations

- Update remaining python2 requirements for F27

- Rebuilt for Python 3.7

- Make certbot depend on same version of python-certbot

- Update to 0.25.1 (#1591031)

- Update to 0.25.0 (#1588219)

- Update to 0.24.0 (#1574140)
- Remove unnecessary patches

- Update to 0.23.0 (#1563899)

- Update to 0.22.2 (#1558280)

- Update to 0.22.0 (#1552953)

- Remove SELinux policy management on Fedora
- Add temporary requirement on python-future

- Set permissions for certbot directories

- Regenerate dependencies from project (#1496291)

- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild

- Update to 0.21.1 (#1535995)

- Unify Fedora and EPEL7 specs


Updated Packages

Release/ArchitectureFilenameMD5sumSuperseded By Advisory
Oracle Linux 8 (x86_64) certbot-1.18.0-2.el8.src.rpmb6991b5db4a80736d835046a1bced341-

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