
ELBA-2021-9443 - spacewalk-schema bug fix update

Release Date:2021-09-13


- Add indexes to speed up 'outdated systems' report [Orabug: 33056372]

- Add FK index to rhnPackage.evr_id [Orabug: 32119096]

- Fix schema dependencies for rhnServerNeededPackageCache [Orabug: 32901323]

- Fix incorrect OL8 outdated package count on system overview page [Orabug: 32648538]
- Bump schema version

- Correct PostgreSQL regex matching regression [Orabug: 32153445]

- Increase with of hw_addr column to fit IB hardware addresses [Orabug: 32049266]

- Fix 2.10 schema upgrade failing due to existing distro keys. [Orabug: 31957738]

- Change installation type/distribution names (and ordering) to Oracle Linux 5,6,7,8 [Orabug: 31650518]

- Fix schema script generation for PostgreSQL RegEx calls. [LINUX-7026] [LINUX-7465] [Orabug: 31684161]

- Filter upgradable package list to same module:stream as installed modular packages [LINUX-7465] [LINUX-7593] [Orabug: 31639744]

- Correctly determine Oracle errata for modules and streams [LINUX-7026]

- Added Oracle Linux 7 distributions
- Added Oracle Linux distributions (Keshav Sharma)
- Added Oracle Linux 6 signing key patch (Avi Miller)

- schema upgrade for new distribution keys
- added gpg keys for new OS versions

- workaround RHEL8 buildrequires modules issue

- set correct python version

- added schema upgrade script and schema changes for 'Multi-Arch' header

- upgrade scripts for rpm tilde and caret sorting
- reimplemented tilde and caret sorting for rpm versioning

- 1695614 - allow repo and manifest sources with the same url

- 1646942 - update existing data

- 1646942 - openscap rule identifiers can exceed 100 chars

- remove also associated sequences

- fixed failed upgrade on oracle

- added Fedora 29 keys

- updated copyright years

- 1624826 - added kickstart distribution data for RHEL 8

- Add kernel options (post) to KickstartableTree

- Clean up SUSE Studio credentials from the database

- 1576002 - fix detection of 'correct' original record

- drop the trigger only if it exists

- 1543381 - teach triggers about comps_type_id

- Add Fedora keys into schema upgrade
- Bumping package versions for 2.9.

- Update gpgs in database

- fix sha1sums

- implicit default null is different from explicit default null - use the
implicit one

- Updating schema SHAs to match after copyright update
- Updating copyright years for 2018

- fix schema upgrade for oracle

- add forgotten semicolon

- 1542287 - purge records that would be violating unique constraint during

- fix sha1sums

- Oracle expects procedure signatures in pks files

- create indexes instead of constraints during upgrade
- extra newline is causing troubles on Oracle DBs

- remove install/clean section initial cleanup
- removed Group from specfile
- removed BuildRoot from specfiles

- postgresql requires numeric datatype not number

- fix oracle equivalent shource sha1 sums

- update set_comps stored procedure for usage with modules
- use rhnCompsType table for different types of repo metadata (comps) files
- create table for different metadata file types

- fix different schema creation vs. upgrade

- Constraint already exists, use different name

- 1542287 - we don't have solaris table anymore

- 1541955 - Clone of an erratum doesn't have original erratum's severity

- move deletion to the inner loop to delete all duplicates

- 1410737 - remove duplicate record in rhnPackageEVR table
- 1410737 - compound indexes containg NULL behave differently on PostgreSQL

- create spacewalk-schema-sanity package providing sanity check script for
external usage
- allow passing command line arguments into schema-source-sanity-check.pl

- purged changelog entries for Spacewalk 2.0 and older
- Bumping package versions for 2.8.

- there's no table rhnOrgEntitlementType in Spacewalk anymore

- 1466493 - oracle equivalent source sha1 is missing

- 1466493 - delete remainder of nonlinux entitlement

- update copyright year

* Wed May 31 2017 Grant Gainey 2.7.24-1
- 1381857 - Correct overly-broad comparison in the fixup-functions
Set ORA back to INDEX from CONSTRAINT - consistency is important...

* Thu May 11 2017 Grant Gainey 2.7.23-1
- 1381857 - add empty .oracle to make schema-upgrade happy

* Mon May 08 2017 Grant Gainey 2.7.22-1
- 1381857 - Teach Postgres to correctly-unique-ify rhnConfigInfo rows

- 1444519 - update schema definition and shorten index name

- 1444519 - fix index behaviour on NULL org

- Revert '1444375 - instert package keys only if they exist'
- 1444072 - drop filters while deleting repository

* Tue May 02 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.18-1
- 1434336 - postgresql 8.4 doesn't support WITH and DELETE combination

- 1444047 - remove links between errata and files from different orgs
- 1444519 - allow sync of the same erratum to more orgs
- 1444375 - insert package keys only if they exist

* Wed Apr 05 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.16-1
- 1434336 - adding postgresql upgrade
- 1434336 - on postgresql it's needed to define multiple unique indexes because
of null values
- 1436567 - add warning that satellite service should be stopped before upgrade

- 1434900 - fixing typo in spacewalk-schema-upgrade

- 1433029 SHA1 Oracle fix

- 1433029 - Some of monitoring data are not removed from DB

- 1433029 - Some of monitoring data are not removed from DB
- Use HTTPS in all Github links
- Migrating Fedorahosted to GitHub

- 1427530 - fix sha1

- 1427530 - solaris channels can have non-solaris child channels

* Fri Feb 24 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.9-1
- drop create_first_org

* Thu Feb 09 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.8-1
- 1401497 - upgrades
- 1401497 - save ssl in separate table again, now allow to have multiple ssl
sets per content source

- 1332805 - The problematic editing of kickstart profile - custom options

* Mon Jan 23 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.6-1
- Drop code used from the Perl stack to 'trickle' OSAD

- 1402437 - update sha1

- 1402437 - drop child channels first
- rhnServerGroupTypeFeature table is dependant on rhnServerGroupType

- 1402437 - delete all solaris related records in database

- delete records from rhnArchTypeActions before deleting architecture types

- delete from solaris from rhnArchType table
- Bumping package versions for 2.7.

- delete solaris architecture during upgrade
- remove solaris compatibility mappings
- don't populate db with solaris architectures

- add Fedora 24 key into schema upgrade

- Added repo urls and gpg keys for Fedora 24

* Mon Oct 24 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.13-1
- fixing ORA-00904: : invalid identifier

* Fri Oct 21 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.12-1
- adding missing dependency

* Thu Oct 20 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.11-1
- drop rhnContentSourceSsl completely

* Tue Oct 04 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.10-1
- splitting oracle and postgresql upgrade

* Fri Sep 02 2016 Grant Gainey 2.6.9-1
- Avoid a deadlock when deleting a server

* Wed Aug 24 2016 Grant Gainey 2.6.8-1
- 1369559 - adjust pgres autovacuum settings for rhnChannelPackage to make
rapid, large, size-changes more performant

* Fri Aug 12 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.7-1
- enable deb type

* Fri Jun 17 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.6-1
- we already have unbreakable linux network reposync plugin

* Mon Jun 13 2016 Grant Gainey 2.6.5-1
- spacewalk-schema: build on openSUSE

* Mon Jun 13 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.4-1
- sequence is still there

* Mon Jun 13 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.3-1
- fixing invalid syntax

* Fri Jun 10 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.2-1
- change rhnContentSourceSsl table to possibly connect to channel family
(instead of content source) and rename to rhnContentSsl

* Thu Jun 09 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.1-1
- fix dropping unused entitlements when multiple orgs are available
- Bumping package versions for 2.6.

- updating copyright years
- 1303886 - remove Oracle from summary

- 1320119 - added delete of data in referrenced table

* Fri Mar 18 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.19-1
- add missing database commit

* Thu Mar 17 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.18-1
- adding missing Oracle upgrade
- delete sync probe task
- populate uuid cleanup task on clean installation
- drop column from _log table too
- sequnce rhn_org_entitlement_type_seq should be dropped
- dropping functions after entitlements removal in upgrade

* Fri Mar 11 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.17-1
- Revert 'fix oracle sha1 for 017-drop_monitoring_tables.sql'

* Fri Mar 11 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.16-1
- make sure people already on 2.4 will get missed 2.2 -> 2.3 upgrades
- fixing missing 2.2 -> 2.3 upgrades
- Revert 'delete one more table'

- fixing oracle sha1
- taskomatic records for uuid cleanup

- remove uuid cleanup from database level

* Mon Mar 07 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.13-1
- fixing upgrade on Oracle - it's function
- fixing upgrade on Oracle - invalid end of file
- fixing upgrade on Oracle
- add Chile to the list of timezones (bsc#959055)

* Fri Feb 12 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.12-1
- fixing missing upgrade

- delete trigger if does exist before creating it

* Tue Feb 02 2016 Grant Gainey 2.5.10-1
- When deleting a server, delete all associated rhnSet entries
- 1303886 - update %description of spacewalk-schema package

* Fri Jan 29 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.9-1
- 1301611 - no need to lock table since we don't update entitlements

- fix oracle sha1 for 017-drop_monitoring_tables.sql

* Thu Jan 14 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.7-1
- delete one more table

- purge duplicate uuid records during upgrade process

- purge uuid records after deleting a system

* Mon Dec 07 2015 Jan Dobes 2.5.4-1
- first org needs id = 1

* Fri Dec 04 2015 Jan Dobes 2.5.3-1
- when installing insert default SSL crypto key with null org

* Tue Nov 24 2015 Jan Dobes 2.5.2-1
- fixing sha
- schema upgrade: org entitlement related tables
- schema: remove org_entitlement(sw_mgr_enterprise) from rhnInfoPane
- schema: drop rhnOrgEntitlements and rhnOrgEntitlementType tables
- schema: fix shas
- schema upgrade: drop max_members from rhnServerGroupType
- schema upgrade: delete_server proc
- schema upgrade: views
- schema upgrade: delete unused rhnExceptions
- schema upgrade: rhn_server package
- schema upgrade: rhn_org package
- schema upgrade: rhn_enttitlements package
- schema upgrade: create_org procs
- schema upgrade: drop rhnSatelliteCert
- schema upgrade: drop the sat-check Taskomatic task
- schema: assign org entitlements when creating a new organization
- schema: create config_admin user group while creating a new organization
- schema: remove repoll parameter from
- schema: drop rhn_entitlements.repoll_virt_guest_entitlements()
- schema: remove rhn_server.can_server_consume_virt_slot() and count
current_members like normal server groups
- schema: remove max_members from rhnServerGroupOverview view
- schema: drop unused rhnVisServerGroupOverviewLite view
- schema: remove use of max_members in views
- schema: remove max_members from rhnServerGroup table
- schema: remove unused not_enough_entitlements_in_base_org exception
- schema: remove unused exception servergroup_max_members
- schema: do not set max_members in create_first_org and create_new_org
- schema: modify rhn_server.insert_into_servergroup() to not use max_members
- schema: drop modify_org_service, set_customer_enterprise,
unset_customer_enterprise from rhn_entitlements
- schema: drop rhn_entitlements.entitle_last_modified_servers()
- schema: drop rhn_entitlements.activate_system_entitlement()
- schema: drop rhn_entitlements.assign_system_entitlement()
- schema: drop rhn_entitlements.set_server_group_count()
- schema: drop rhn_entitlements.prune_group()
- schema: remove handling of max_members from
- schema: drop rhn_entitlements.remove_org_entitlements()
- schema: add virtualization host entitlement and enterprise entitlement to SP
for creating organizations
- db: drop rhnSatelliteCert
- sat-cert-check Taskomatic task dropped
- rhn_server migrations: drop provisioning, update,
virtualization_host_platform entitlements
- rhn_entitlements migrations: drop provisioning, update, nonlinux and
virtualization_host_platform entitlements
- migration for create_first_org and create_new_org SP: don't add update
entitlement for new orgs
- rhnEntitledServers view migration: remove reference to update entitlements
- db migration: remove references to rhnVirtSubLevel, rhnSGTypeVirtSubLevel and
- delete_server stored procedure migration: remove references to virtualization
host platform entitlements
- data migration: remove references to virtualization host platform
- data migration: remove references to nonlinux entitlements
- data migration: remove references to update entitlements
- db: remove references to rhnVirtSubLevel, rhnSGTypeVirtSubLevel and
- data: remove references to virtualization host platform entitlements
- rhn_server: remove references to virtualization host platform entitlements
- rhn_entitlements: remove references to virtualization host platform
- delete_server: remove references to virtualization host platform entitlements
- data: remove references to nonlinux entitlements
- rhn_entitlements: remove references to nonlinux entitlements
- rhnEntitledServers: remove reference to update entitlements
- data: remove references to update entitlements
- rhn_server: don't expect update entitlement
- rhn_entitlements: update shas
- rhn_entitlements.entitle_server: remove update entitlement references
- rhn_entitlements.remove_server_entitlement: delete default function value,
callers always specify it
- rhn_entitlements.entitle_server: delete default function value, callers
always specify it
- rhn_entitlements: drop unused create_entitlement_group function
- rhn_entitlements: drop unused lookup_entitlement_group function
- create_new_org and create_first_org: remove automatically added update
entitlement server group
- schema upgrades: fix to the dropping of provisioning entitlements
- db: upgrade scripts
- rhnEntitledServers view: remove references to provisioning
- db data: remove references to provisioning
- rhn_server: remove provisioning references
- create_new_org and create_first_org: remove outdated comment
- rhn_entitlements: remove provisioning references
- Remove unused rhn_host_monitoring and its oracle synonym
- Remove unused rhn_customer_monitoring view and its oracle synonym
- Removed unused rhn_contact_monitoring and its oracle synonym
- Remove monitoring_admin role from users, remove monitoring_admin row from
- Remove populating rhn_config_macro table as it doesn't exist anymore
- Drop the rhn_config_macro table
- db: Remove monitoring entitlement from insert/delete to/from server group
- db: Remove rhn_monitoring from the database
- schema: drop parameter from clear_subscriptions in delete_server
- schema migration: drop not_enough_flex_entitlements exception
- schema migration: drop not_enough_flex_entitlements_in_base_org exception
- schema migration: remove server_cannot_convert_to_flex exception
- schema: drop not_enough_flex_entitlements exception
- schema: drop not_enough_flex_entitlements_in_base_org exception
- schema: remove server_cannot_convert_to_flex exception
- schema migration: remove unused invalid_channel_family exception
- schema: remove unused invalid_channel_family exception
- schema migration: drop software channel subscription counting
- schema: drop unused rhnChannelFamilyServerPhysical view
- schema: drop is_fve column from rhnServerChannel
- schema: remove unused rhn_entitlements.subscribe_newest_servers()
- schema: fix syntax error in rhn_channel
- schema: remove member columns from rhnPrivateChannelFamily
- schema: remove channel entitlement setting from remove_org_entitlements in
- schema: remove maxMembers, currentMembers, maxFlex and currentFlex from
rhnChannelFamilyPermissions view
- schema: remove member check from rhn_channel.get_org_access()
- schema: remove members from rhnOrgChannelFamilyPermissions and
rhnUserChannelFamilyPerms views
- schema: drop rhnChannelFamilyServerVirtual view
- schema: drop unused view rhnChannelFamilyServers
- schema: drop rhnChannelFamilyServerFve view
- schema: remove unused vars from [un]subscribe_server in rhn_channel
- schema: remove unused virt_guest_orgs from repoll_virt_guest_entitlements in
- schema: remove delete_server_channels from rhn_channel and delete_server
- schema: remove rhnChannelFamilyOverview view
- schema: remove channel_family_no_subscriptions exception
- schema: drop unused view rhnServerFveCapable
- schema: drop channel_family_no_subscriptions exception
- schema: remove channel_family_current_members from rhn_channel
- schema: remove prune_family from rhn_entitlements
- schema: remove set_family_count from rhn_entitlements
- schema: remove channel entitlement handling from
repoll_virt_guest_entitlements in rhn_entitlements
- schema: remove assign_channel_entitlement from rhn_entitlements
- schema: remove available_family_subscriptions from rhn_channel
- schema: remove available_fve_family_subs from rhn_channel
- schema: remove unused available_fve_chan_subs from rhn_channel
- schema: remove unused available_chan_subscriptions from rhn_channel
- schema: remove unused rhnUserAvailableChannels view
- remove current_members and available_members from rhnAvailableChannels view
- schema: remove unused can_server_consume_fve from rhn_channel
- schema: remove unused can_server_consume_virt_channl from rhn_channel
- schema: remove channel entitlement checks on subscribe_server
- schema: drop convert_to_fve and can_convert_to_fve from rhn_channel
- schema: whitespace fixes
- schema: remove unused activate_channel_entitlement from rhn_entitlements
- schema: remove unused function cfam_curr_fve_members from rhn_channel
- schema: remove usage of update_group_family_counts from rhn_entitlements
- schema: remove update_family_counts from rhn_entitlements
- schema: remove update_family_counts and update_group_family_counts

- fix delete user by deleting the reference to rhnResetPassword
- Bumping package versions for 2.5.

* Tue Sep 29 2015 Jan Dobes 2.4.23-1
- fix schema migration error - trigger must be created after the table

* Thu Sep 24 2015 Jan Dobes 2.4.22-1
- Bumping copyright year.

* Wed Sep 16 2015 Grant Gainey 2.4.21-1
- 608355 - missed updating a checksum
- 608355 - Support 2.3-to-2.4 upgrade
- 608355 - rhnResetPassword to support password-recovery-tokens

* Fri Jul 31 2015 Grant Gainey 2.4.20-1
- 1249219 - Fix file-naming error for upgrade

* Fri Jul 31 2015 Grant Gainey 2.4.19-1
- 1249219 - Fix postgres rpm.rpmstrcmp to exhibit same behavior as original
Oracle functionality

- unify schema comment message

- update the oracle equivalent sha1s
- removing outdated revision information for schema files

- ensure appropriate table entries are avaialble for newly created
- introduce rhnOrgAdminManagement table
- add errata_emails_enabled column to the rhnOrgConfiguration table

* Tue Jun 30 2015 Grant Gainey 2.4.15-1
- 1234604 - teach oracle to do update_needed_cache async as well

* Mon Jun 22 2015 Grant Gainey 2.4.14-1
- 1234604 - Fix oracle-sha1sum for 007- upgrade

* Mon Jun 22 2015 Grant Gainey 2.4.13-1
- 1234604 - Make rhn_channel.update_needed_cache hand off servers to Taskomatic

* Fri Jun 12 2015 Jan Dobes 2.4.12-1
- prevent inserting duplicate update_server_errata_cache tasks

- extend label in rhnContentSource table

- we need to run cleanup-packagechangelog-data as the 1st task of the template

- Remove monitoring cleanup taskomatic task - monitoring longer exists

- Add spacewalk-2015 and Fedora 23 gpg key fingerprints
- Add package key for Spacewalk 2014 (RPM-GPG-KEY-spacewalk-2014)

* Tue May 12 2015 Grant Gainey 2.4.7-1
- 1220361 - clean up upgrade with empty .sql.oracle file

* Mon May 11 2015 Grant Gainey 2.4.6-1
- 1220361 - Use GREATEST to insure LIMIT is >= 0

- 1215671 - move auto-errata updates into separate taskomatic task

* Mon Apr 27 2015 Grant Gainey 2.4.4-1
- Update 021 postgres to new oracle sha1

* Mon Apr 27 2015 Grant Gainey 2.4.3-1
- 1215151 - Update 021-rhnServerNetwork-trigger.sql.oracle

- Oracle alter table xxx add column syntax differs from PostgreSQL one

* Wed Apr 01 2015 Jan Dobes 2.4.1-1
- 1205328 - do not ignore errata with same package version
- Bumping package versions for 2.4.

- Fix ORA-01403: no data found in update_needed_cache during re-registrations

* Thu Mar 19 2015 Grant Gainey 2.3.40-1
- Automatic commit of package [osad] release [5.11.56-1].
- Updating copyright info for 2015

- add the EPEL 7 key to new db installation scripts, move upgrade script
- Add EPEL 7 package key

- Avoid a deadlock when changing channel assignments (bsc#918549)

- 1128989 - allow users to set taskomatic mail preferences - schema changes

- remove monitoring server groups from servers before deleting the sg

- 1192437 - add armv7l-debian server arch

- Getting rid of Tabs and trailing spaces in Python
- Getting rid of trailing spaces in Perl
- Getting rid of Tabs and trailing spaces in LICENSE, COPYING, and README files

- arm related sutff can be present in db before upgrade
- don't instert values that can be already present
- some values can be insterted multiple times - don't do that
- some values can be already present at the time of upgrade

- Fixing duplicated 'drop rhn_probe' statement

- Fixing order of tables to be dropped

- add schema upgrade scripts to fix triggers on rhnServerNetwork

- don't add sync-probe taskomatic task, but handle upgrades that have it

- Monitoring Panes on YourRHN no longer exist, remove schema references to them

- rhn_method_types table no longer exists, don't insert data into it

- fixing oracle sha1source

- remove monitoring server group type
- Fix upgrade schema script that drops monitoring tables

- fixing upgrade script ordering after perl-removal merge

- Removing solaris tables
- drop monitoring code and monitoring schema
- removing monitoring from spacewalk-schema

- armv6hl could be present at the time of upgrade

- 1021057 - renamed package upgrade scripts to .sql

- 1021057 - schema upgrade scripts
- 1021057 - fixed double-counting systems subscribed to more than one channel

- 1163977 - add virt-host-plat entitlement mappings for new arches

- increase source_url column size to 2048

- use fedora18 as fedora kickstart type

- 1148911 - add aarch64 server to noarch package mapping

- 1145478 - enhance rhnWebContactEnabled view

- 1114687 - rhnDistChannelMap index needs to handle nulls on postgresql

- 1138708, 1142110 - make child channel architecture check universal

- RHEL7 contains PostgreSQL 9

- 1021057 - system can consume only one flex entitlement

- 1128735 - force character set and numerical separators to good known

* Fri Aug 08 2014 Jan Dobes 2.3.9-1
- adding missing upgrade

* Thu Aug 07 2014 Jan Dobes 2.3.8-1
- fixing order of commands

- add Korea to the list of timezones

- there's no bootstrap entitlement in spacewalk

- 1125428 - make config file deletion faster if there are lots of snapshots

- Add support to the ppc64le architecture

- 1066432 - make future installs run ErrataCache task more often

- 1023557 - Speed up satellite-sync by avoiding commonly-called dblink_exec

- add Fedora 21 GPG keys
- Bumping package versions for 2.3.

- add CentOS 7 GPG key
- fix copyright years

- 1103813 - fixed order of tables in upgrade script

- 1103813 - armhf support for 'arm Debian' channel

- 1109276 - Fix Distro syncing in CobblerSyncTask, force one sync to fix arch

- Fix rhnKickstartableTree trigger, 'null = null' is not true in sql

- Moving schema upgrade to appropriate dir
- rhnSsmOperationServer: note column added

- 1077365 - index for user_id on wupi table speeds up errata mailer

- spec file polish

- Schema typo fixed

- schema: new action type, clientcert.update_client_cert

- 903068 - update scripts for schema
- 903068 - fixed debian repo generation

- rhnActionChain.id: explicitly name the primary index constraint

- triggers to be recreated consistently with a new schema

- Drop rhn_actchainent_cid_sid_so_uq constraint from rhnActionChainEntry

- renaming upgrade scripts to put them in the proper place in the order
- New tables and upgrade scripts added
- add reboot action cleanup task

- rhnServer.secret extend length to 64: schema upgrade
- extend rhnServer.secret to 64

- reset package to avoid ORA-0406* errors

- create rhnOrgExtGroupMapping triggers
- change rhnUserExtGroup unique index

- upgrade scripts shall end with semicolon

- fixing web_contact schema upgrade script

- schema upgrade for web_contact_log

- add rhnUserExtGroup table dependency

- add table dependency

- add table dependency

- introduce create_default_sg column within the rhnOrgConfiguration table
- create rhnOrgExtGroupMapping table
- add org_id column to rhnUserExtGroup table

- 1070917 - extending cron_expr length to 120

- Extend length of web_contact.password to 110

- 1055969 - missing aarch64 in rhnServerArch

- 1055969 - support for ARM aarch64 architecture

- drop web_contact.old_password column from schema
- insert new gpg key only if not exists

- fix oracle equivalent source sha1

- 1070917 - extending cron_expr column within the rhnTaskoSchedule table

- introduce keep_roles option
- extend rhnUserGroupMembers
- Bumping package versions for 2.2.

- replacing view must have the same number of columns (in postgresql)

- updated rhnServerOutdatePackages to include arch

- improved performance of system.listLatestUpgradeablePackages and

- 1063821 - update rhnServer after queue_server to avoid a deadlock

- 1063821 - fix ORA-01422 error when removing a channel

- fix ORA-01403: no data found, when unsubscribing a system

- rename upgrade scripts to be included in schema upgrade
- fix ORA-01403: no data found, during system registration

- 1063821 - lock rhnServerNeededCache to avoid a db deadlock

- Add missing GMT+3 timezone as Saudi Arabia

- fix sha1 sums

- 1063821 - deadlock fix

- upgrade script for Fedora 20 GPG key

- rename one and add another rhnConfiguration key
- update rhnUserExtGroupMapping triggers

- Revert '1053591 - refresh_newest_package: lock rhnChannel at the beginning'
- Revert ''is' followed by 'declare' is rarely needed'

- increase length of rhnCVE name column

- 'is' followed by 'declare' is rarely needed

- rename the schema files to have the proper naming

- Tables to have mapping from external groups to internal roles
- introduce 1st configuration key
- introduce rhnConfiguration table

- Changed gpg keys so they match reality.

- 1053591 - refresh_newest_package: lock rhnChannel at the beginning

- 1034742 - schema upgrade for armv6hl arch
- 1034742 - support for new Raspberry Pi arch (armv6hl)

- 1034742 - support for new Raspberry Pi arch (armv6hl)

- delete child channel references from rhnDistChannelMap

- schema upgrade fix: explicit cast for bit-wise operand

- fixed oracle equivalent checksums

- schema upgrade for rhnServerNeededCache
- extended update_needed_cache() to insert channel_id
- extended rhnServerNeededCache with channel_id

- fix space check for Oracle schema upgrades

- schema upgrade fix: explicit cast for bit-wise operand

- Regenerate the metadata for rpm enhances dependency (bnc#846436)
- add support for enhances rpm weak dependency (schema) (bnc#846436)

- 1020497 - provide a way to order kickstart scripts

* Tue Sep 17 2013 Jan Dobes 2.1.20-1
- 820225 - recount associated virtual guests entitlements even in other orgs

- upgrade script for Oracle Linux 6 key
- Added Oracle GPG key used to sign Oracle Linux 6 packages.

- 999453 - missed a sha1 hash

- 999453 - one file removal did not make it into the original commit

- 999453 - updating sha1 hashes

- 999453 - move the rhnServerNeededView sql into the function for performance
- Revert '999453 - update rhnServerNeededView to make it easier to optimize for
fast execution'

- 999453 - update rhnServerNeededView to make it easier to optimize for fast

- 998424 - removing bad initial condition from max(evr_t)
- Revert '998424 - rpm version comparison function was broken for alphanumeric
- Revert '998424 - naming the file properly'
- timestamps in oracle: don't shift the dates during schema upgrades

- 998424 - naming the file properly

- 998424 - rpm version comparison function was broken for alphanumeric versions

- fix sha1 of 014-add-column-csv-separator.sql.postgresql
- Add a hack to allow the ';' literal in table definitions
- Allow users to change the CSV separator (schema changes)
- delete duplicates from rhnDistchannelMap
- don't insert existing values twice

- remove duplicate pairs before creating unique index

- fixing sha1 of upgrade/spacewalk-schema-2.0-to-spacewalk-

- name constraints on the log table

- changing stamp type on log table

- New OrgConfig attribute: period during which it is not possible to delete

- fixed upgrade file names

- recreate logging triggers after we change the logging table column types

- fix oracle equivalent source sha1
- fix_f624b843
- extract logging.recreate_trigger from logging.enable_logging
- replace integer with number/ric in logging package
- change log_id type on logged tables
- change log table integer -> number

- 876019 - schema upgrade scripts
- made serverchannels cursor properly parametrized
- 876019 - fixed misplaced end loop

Updated Packages

Release/ArchitectureFilenameMD5sumSuperseded By Advisory
Oracle Linux 7 (x86_64) spacewalk-schema-2.10.14-1.el7.src.rpmd71fd30f7be6ea1c0e21f2743a4b6356-

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