
ELBA-2024-18249 - chromium Bug Fix update

Release Date:2024-02-19


- update to 121.0.6167.160
* High CVE-2024-1284: Use after free in Mojo
* High CVE-2024-1283: Heap buffer overflow in Skia

- Support for 64K pages on Linux/AArch64

- update to 121.0.6167.139
* High CVE-2024-1060: Use after free in Canvas
* High CVE-2024-1059: Use after free in WebRTC
* High CVE-2024-1077: Use after free in Network

- update to 121.0.6167.85
* High CVE-2024-0807: Use after free in WebAudio
* High CVE-2024-0812: Inappropriate implementation in Accessibility
* High CVE-2024-0808: Integer underflow in WebUI
* Medium CVE-2024-0810: Insufficient policy enforcement in DevTools
* Medium CVE-2024-0814: Incorrect security UI in Payments
* Medium CVE-2024-0813: Use after free in Reading Mode
* Medium CVE-2024-0806: Use after free in Passwords
* Medium CVE-2024-0805: Inappropriate implementation in Downloads
* Medium CVE-2024-0804: Insufficient policy enforcement in iOS Security UI
* Low CVE-2024-0811: Inappropriate implementation in Extensions API
* Low CVE-2024-0809: Inappropriate implementation in Autofill

- update to 121.0.6167.71

- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_40_Mass_Rebuild

Updated Packages

Release/ArchitectureFilenameMD5sumSuperseded By AdvisoryChannel Label
Oracle Linux 7 (x86_64) chromium-121.0.6167.160-1.el7.src.rpm355f8634e5fdac706dea6652cb37ae00-ol7_x86_64_developer_EPEL

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