
ELBA-2024-20892 - borgmatic Bug Fix update

Release Date:2024-04-25


- update to 1.8.10

- update to 1.8.9

- update to 1.8.8

- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_40_Mass_Rebuild

- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_40_Mass_Rebuild

- update to 1.8.6

- update to 1.8.5

- update to 1.8.3

- update to 1.8.2

- update to 1.8.1

- update to 1.8.0

- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild

- Rebuilt for Python 3.12

- update to 1.7.15
- upstream removed upgrade-borgmatic-config command
- updated module import for bash completion

- Rebuilt for Python 3.12

- update to 1.7.14

- update to 1.7.13

- update to 1.7.12

- update to 1.7.11

- update to 1.7.10

- update to 1.7.9
- add Suggests for externally called DBMS commands

- update to 1.7.8

- update to 1.7.7

- update to 1.7.6

- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild

- update to 1.7.5

- update to 1.7.4

- update to 1.7.3

- update to 1.7.2

- update to 1.7.1

- update to 1.6.6

- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild

- update to 1.6.5

- fixup version in setup.py
- use pyproject_save_files

- update to 1.6.4
- update source URL

- Rebuilt for Python 3.11

- update to 1.6.3

- use pyproject rpm macros
- drop support for EPEL < 9

- update to 1.6.2
- install bash-completion files

- update to 1.6.1

- update to 1.6.0

Updated Packages

Release/ArchitectureFilenameMD5sumSuperseded By AdvisoryChannel Label
Oracle Linux 9 (x86_64) borgmatic-1.8.10-1.el9.src.rpm13c0cf295fee71298ef46f3b812b7724-ol9_x86_64_developer_EPEL

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