
ELBA-2024-22373 - fonts-compare Bug Fix update

Release Date:2024-05-17


- New Feature: Initialize fonts-compare with locale
- --lang feature handles zh-cn and zh_CN both format
- Any valid locale, unknown to fontconfig will fallback to en/C.utf8
- Any unsupported locale, fallback to C.utf8
- Language variable handling to support both LC_ALL and LANG settings

- Initialize fonts-compare with language from cli 'fonts-compare --lang ja'
- Now user can turn off the Auto language detection for their words in edit label
- Now both buttons select different fonts. They will not select similar/same font
- fixed issue auto langdetect changing fonts for both fontbutton
- activate dark theme if system's dark mode is enabled, used libadwaita
- Avoiding the fontconfig limitation with locales like - Choosing -* giving same font
- droid fonts will never be selected
- changed README

- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_40_Mass_Rebuild

- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_40_Mass_Rebuild

- removed unnecessary dependency

- removed some pylint errors and cleaned logs

- get fontversion for a font that is selected. python3-freetype will be used for this.
- fontversion update upon language change from drop-down and alsofont change in each fontbutton
- the style/weight is hide by default. added option to show style
- show-style and fontversion feature won't be available in f37
- font filter for rawhide is fast now and fonts are now fast to populate
- Set activate on single click to false for the language selection listbox
- fixed indexing bug: Clicking arabic language in drop-down selects assamese
- now fontsize adjustment will work
- fixed non printable string getting from freetype function
- removed classmethod and added instance method for label_font_change_newversion
- noto sans won't appear as noto sans regular
- gtk.dialog deprecation warning issue fixed
- dialog button bug of fontbutton2 fixed
- added run.sh script
- fonts-compare will work on rhel9
- Selecting second font from fc-list for second font button

- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild

- gtk4 dependency added
- --help text added

- changelog fixing

- LICENSE changed to GPL-2.0-or-later
- removed unnecessary directory that created by spec

- LICENSE changed to GPL-2.0+
- little change in README

- licence update with MIT
- some core spec file issues fixed and updated
- Package must own all directories that it creates, this issue fixed
- README.md update with instruction and commands

- spec file updated
- fixed issue: wrong-icon-size errors raised by the fedora-review

- spec file updated

- more information in README.md
- some code rendering and bux fixed

- dealing with unscalable fonts like Fixed, Biwidth
- dealing with fonts with PCF fontformat
- resolves Fontbutton shoes None
- Fonts of which languages are not installed in your system with a command: python3 fonts_compare.py --nofonts
- resolves reopen issue: https://github.com/sudipshil9862/fonts-compare/issues/33
- resolves: https://github.com/sudipshil9862/fonts-compare/issues/34

- Resolves: https://github.com/sudipshil9862/fonts-compare/issues/33

- Resolves: FontButton displays 'None'. https://github.com/sudipshil9862/fonts-compare/issues/32
- bug fixed generated by filtering-fonts for above gtk-version-4.9 users

- Resolves: https://github.com/sudipshil9862/fonts-compare/issues/31

- merged code which supports all OS
- supports gtk verison below 4.9 and above 4.9

- Resolves: https://github.com/sudipshil9862/fonts-compare/issues/25
- Resolves: https://github.com/sudipshil9862/fonts-compare/issues/26
- Resolves: https://github.com/sudipshil9862/fonts-compare/issues/27
- Resolves: https://github.com/sudipshil9862/fonts-compare/issues/28
- after entrybox text changed in gtkdialog, pressing enter will trigger OK signal
- font labels only have the FAMILY now, style not required
- made wrap toggle and wrapping of lebels are better than previous version
- filtering fonts for specific language solved
- make language search more clever
- now more accuarate indic languages search in language search drop-down
- selected language will be shown above all languages in language search drop-down and delete malayalam, urdu screenshot
- dark theme added
- If font_size changed then window_size will reset
- search entry focused in initialization
- version tag remove from desktop file
- all mypy errors solved
- code rendering
- ui menu screenshot updated
- logo changed made by inkscape

- Add desktop-validation for org.github.sudipshil9862.fonts-compare.desktop
- made language search more clever, more selective in language search drop down
- more accuarate indic languages search
- selected language will be shown above all languages in language search drop-down
- made layout more size responsive
- logo changed made by inkscape
- search entry focused in initialization of program
- dark theme added
- updated all indic languages screenshots with pango sample texts of fonts-compare UI in https://sshil.fedorapeople.org/lohit-vs-noto-comparison.html

- Changed Application ID
- Renamed desktop entry file name

- changed logo for fonts-compare

- spec file updated with installing svg

- Desktop entry file added
- fonts-compare logo created
- README file updated
- Some name changes in UI

- Added custom dialog in edit label menu button to edit labels by entry textbox, added langdetect label, buttons borders removed, code changes with class inheritance
- Edit labels from entry and labels will be changed, language detection for text that being typed in entry textbox, ok and cancel button functions fixed
- Solved major pylint errors
- Font size adjustment widget and spin button font size adjustment widget both widgets shifted to hamburger menu, title name changed
- pango sample text checkboxadded in menu
- Now code selects only font fc-list and won't select Family+Style, fontbutton selects style by-default, code rendering, remove unused horizontal boxes
- Added fallback checkbox in menu
- Dropped language label full name that shows up in main ui, instead used tooltip/hover over language selector
- Removed glibx XX_YY locals from language list
- code rendering, reduced spaces, reduced vertical and hotizontal boxes used, font adjustment bug fixed
- fonts compare's screenshots added in readme file and https://sshil.fedorapeople.org/lohit-vs-noto-comparison.html

- Bug fixed: No text shows up if langtable sample text selected after selecting pango sample text

- Added header bar, hamburger menu
- Added searchable language widget
- About, quit button in hamburger menu
- Solved issue with fc-match (like bn_IN, bn_Bd not recognizable by fc-match)
- Sometimes random_font doesnot contain any style then error arises fixed
- Added spin adjustment button to increase decrease of fontsize of labels
- Highlighting the error if fonts not installed instead of dialog box
- Use pango sample text inside hamburger toggle button
- font slider removed
- vertical and horizontal boxes adjustment done
- python language list removed for this release
- Wrap text above fontsize 50 for text labels
- Fixed header bar bugs

- Dictionary removed
- Attempt language detection only when the entered text really changed
- added toggle button for Pango and Langtable sample text
- set langtable sample text as default when toggle switch is off
- Blocking entry function's signal for some time so that it avoids language detection again
- Availability of languages from langtable, fontconfig and python
- label text added for showing the error if no font is installed for a language
- HId error label when fonts of any language actually are installed
- dialog box code removed
- default sample string by langtable, global variables removed, some global functions removed
- text wrapping and removed unnecessary code
- some vertical and horizontal boxes bug fixed
- fixed pylint warnings
- added missing type hints

- random font generator for second text
- Instruction to debug and installing new fonts for different languages added in README.md file
- All languages supported
- ui design changed

- font slider added, more languages added, more fonts supported, README file as user manual

- fixed broken macros
- on_changed function deactivated for a while added

- updated version 1.0.2-1
- Bug 1 fixed: errors and warning removed - checked pylint,
pylintrc parameters updated for this project specificly
- Bug 2 fixed: If I type japanese text in gtkEntry then no font detected in font button
- Bug 3 fixed: If click 'bn' then font button dialog has bengali text below
but not happening this for 'ja' -> showing some english text instead of japanese
- Bug 4 fixed: If I write japanese in gtkEntry field and then I select 'bn' from drop then everything changed
but the japanese text still there in gtkEntry
- Bug 5 fixed: When a language is detected by typing a text,
the combobox(drop-down) doesn't change
- Bug 6 fixed: code_rendering - detecting combo box lang using for loop and making it general
so that any language can be selected from drop-down if it's there (use dictionary)
- Bug 7 fixed: Text in the entry suddenly changes to sample text
for the detected language when typing into the entry

- updated version 1.0.1-1

Updated Packages

Release/ArchitectureFilenameMD5sumSuperseded By AdvisoryChannel Label
Oracle Linux 9 (x86_64) fonts-compare-1.5.1-1.el9.src.rpmbaa4ddd3f5caa49950f125ba8aaa8e53-ol9_x86_64_developer_EPEL

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