Type: | BUG |
Severity: | NA |
Release Date: | 2025-01-15 |
- add fix for mozbz 1894423 and 1940204
- add appstream metadata file (#2336121)
- update to 2.53.20
- update to 2.53.19
- update to
- update to
- update to 2.53.18
- add patch for binutils >= 2.36
- update to 2.53.17
- enable webcomponents and pointer-events (upcoming upstream changes)
- send origin header (for same-origin only) to satisfy client checking sites
- backport fixes for mozbz 1502801 and mozbz 1502802
- fix mozbz 1406821 to avoid extra debug output
- add support for ffmpeg-6.0
- no more needed python2.7 for build
- drop obsoleted gconf2 support
- update to 2.53.16
- update to 2.53.15
- add fix for mozbz 1464782
- add fix for mozbz 1443429 and mozbz 1443746,
return back no more broken patches
- rebuild without potentially broken patches
- update to 2.53.14
- update to 2.53.13
- add support for ffmpeg-5.0
- update to 2.53.12
- backport fix for wasm gc (mozbz 1459761 and others)
- fix adjacent sibling patch
- update to
- update to 2.53.11
- use ua-update.json mechanism for site-specific user-agent overrides
- fix some minor issues
- fix baselinejit for optional chaining support
- update to
- backport nullish coalescing support (mozbz 1566141 and others)
- backport optional chaining support (mozbz 1566143 and others)
- update to
- backport new regexp stuff (derived from Waterfox-Classic)
- backport fixes for mozbz 1434478, 1449641, 1460295
- fix possible postMessage race conditions
- add allsettled patch
- update to 2.53.10
- backport support for custom date format (mozbz#1426907)
- fix compile with rust >= 1.56
- update to
- no more set nglayout.enable_drag_images by default
- fix mailnews account creation after subscribing by a news URL (mozbz#521861)
- avoid starting drag-and-drop in full mailnews's Wide View (mozbz#1720968)
- fix clearing in download manager (mozbz#1501277)
- update to 2.53.8
- fix irc link behaviour and websearch (mozbz#1712498, mozbz#1713458, mozbz#1713467)
- fix handling of mail attachments (mozbz#1661070)
- no more set browser.display.use_system_colors by default
- move extensions' localization data into the common langpack
- fix cpu hogging on network link change when websockets are in use (mozbz#1633339)
- better support of the obsoleting javascript versioning stuff (mozbz#1702903)
- fix number formats (mozbz#1403319)
- fix build with rust >= 1.52 (mozbz#1670538)
- better support obsoleting javascript stuff (mozbz#1702903)
- fixed selection of tab to return on tab close (mozbz#1623054)
- fixed opening tabs in background in some cases (mozbz#1619108)
- provide a way to auto-select es-AR locale on any Spanish one but es-ES
- fix obsoleting 'for each' javascript statements support
- no need to provide own dictionaries (system are used anyway)
- update to 2.53.7
- fix keyboard input with gtk3 >= 3.24.26 (mozbz #1701288)
- backport some refresh driver improvements from upcoming 2.53.8
- avoid spurious update of intersection observers in a case
of throbber animation
- restore traditional security-button background (to match the location bar
highlighting, revert mozbz #1593550)
- for new installs add about:addons to the initial pages and
don't enable inspector and calendar there by default
- enable upcoming module scripts support
- update to 2.53.6
- add media-document patch (mozbz#1677768)
- build with own GNUmakefile, spec file cleanup
- fix for av1 (mozbz#1490877)
- fix main svg icon
- update to 2.53.5
- add patch to build with system libaom and libdav1d
- add official logo icon in svg format
- update to 2.53.4
- replace all the distributed extensions (calendar, dominspector and irc)
as intergated app-global extensions (ie. moved from distribution/extensions/
just to extensions/ , mozbz#1659298)
- update seamonkey(1) manual page
- update description in spec file
- fix requires filter
- add 'Default zoom' support (mozbz#1655362)
- add 'Use system locale' switch in preferences (mozbz#1655842)
- backport WebP image format support (mozbz#1653869)
- update elfhack code up to esr68
- add fix for rust >= 1.45 (mozbz#1654465)
- properly filter provides and requires from the application dir
- spec file cleanups and fixes
- update to 2.53.3
- use sql nss databases (cert9.db, key4.db etc.) since the old format
is stopping be supported.
- update to 2.53.2
- drop startup shell script (no more needed)
- rebuild with rust-1.42
- drop system-bookmarks dependencies
- fix localization for bundled calendar and chatzilla (#1815109)
- clear obsolete stuff from desktop-file-install
- add patch for classic theme (#1808197)
- build with clang
- Upgrade to 2.53.1
- rebuid to properly handle external lightning extension (#1750450)
- update to 2.49.5
- add support for conditional build of inspector and irc
- re-enable webgl2 by default for EPEL7
- fix applying of patch for mozbz#1324096
- update to 2.49.4
- update to 2.49.3
- revert some upstream gtk3-related changes to avoid regressions
since we still build with gtk2 (mozbz#1269145, mozbz#1398973)
- spec file cleanup from old deprecated stuff
- update to 2.49.2
- update to 2.49.1
- apply some patches from firefox-52.4.0 package
- disable webide by default to avoid autoload of broken addons
- update to 2.48
- apply some patches from firefox-51 package
- disable webgl2 by default (#1446956)
- use standard optimize level -O2 for compiling
- new langpacks obtaining stuff for more easier maintaining
- revert broken mozbz#1148544 changes for site-specific overrides
- update to 2.46
- apply some patches from firefox-49 package
- avoid runtime linking with too old ffmpeg libraries (#1330898)
- still enable XRender extension by default
- disable extra updatecheck (#1346171)
- enable full-screen-api by default for media support
- update to 2.40
- more robast helper detection when content type reported wrongly
- delete temporary helpers files on exit (match Firefox way)
- avoid ppc64le builds as well (#866589)
- use system dictionaries for spell checking
- specify default homepage for builtin default locale (en_US) as well
- drop tons of garbage from libsuite.so component
- massive spec and config files cleanup, including:
- simplifying of install process and filelist generation
- drop unneeded sources
- generate mozconfig and prefs files inside spec file
(better atomic support for changes and different releases)
- actually provide information of files' locales for rpm package
- conditionally build with system cairo, sqlite, libffi
- update to 2.39
- update to 2.38
- adapt for EPEL
- use bundled gcc-4.8 for build
- enable gstreamer-0.10 support
- update to 2.35
- update to 2.33
- apply some patches from firefox-36 package
- update to 2.32.1
- update to 2.32
- apply some patches from firefox-35 package
- enable gstreamer-1.0 support
- update to 2.31
- apply some patches from firefox-34 package
- update to 2.30
- apply some patches from firefox-33 package
- update to 2.29
- apply some patches from firefox-32 package
- build with system libvpx now
- update to 2.26.1
- update to 2.26
- build with native nss and nspr for now
- update to 2.25
- update to 2.24
- update to 2.23
- drop no more needed patches
- update to 2.22.1
- update to 2.22
- fix for BEAST issue in startup script (as in #1005611 for Firefox)
- now need to enable rtti for C++ compiling by gcc-4.4
(ie. drop -fno-rtti flag)
- update to 2.21
- add patch to avoid c++0x code (not supported with gcc-4.4)
- rebuild with new system's nspr-4.9.5 and nss-3.14.3
- update to 2.20
- fix build with system nss-3.14.0
- use native nspr (version of 4.9.6) instead of the system one (4.9.2).
Seamonkey-2.19 with nspr patches seems to require at least nspr >= 4.9.3
- update to 2.19
- use bundled python-2.7 for build
- no more touch omni.ja
- update to 2.17.1
- update to 2.17
- enable WebRTC
- explicitly require libjpeg-turbo (since old libjpeg
does not provide all the needed features), drop libjpeg62 patch
- fix build with NSS's hasht.h header from the system nss-softokn-devel < 3.14
- update to 2.16.2
- update to 2.16.1
- update to 2.16
- fix patch to allow build with system's nspr-4.9.2 instead of nspr-4.9.4
- fix build langpacks
- update to 2.15.2
- fix build with new system nspr-4.9.2
- update to 2.15.1
- add fix for #304121 (derived from Xulrunner)
- update to 2.15
- disable WebRTC support until nss >= 3.14 appear in RHEL6
- fix build with RHEL6 system nss-3.13.5 (actually cosmetic things was changed)
- fix build with RHEL6 libjpeg library (just use some little old stuff from 3.14.1)
- don't try to change global user settings for default browser/mail etc.
- update to 2.14.1
- update to 2.14
- change collapsed sidebar patch to upstream git applied one
- fix elfhack compile
- update to 2.13.2
- add patch for broken context menus when started with collapsed sidebar
(upstream bug 802166)
- update to 2.13.1
- build with separate objdir
- exclude ppc64 arch (hoping it is temporary, #866589)
- update to 2.13
- add patch to avoid decommit memory on powerpc arches (#852698)
- add seamonkey-related directories in mozilla-filesystem (#865054)
- fix build with RHEL6 system nspr-4.9.1 (drop setting nspr thread names,
as it requires nspr >= 4.9.2, but just can be safely removed from the code)
- drop version from install directories (follow the current
firefox and thunderbird way)
- change License to MPLv2.0
- port to EPEL6
- use EL6 homepage way
- use proper MOZ_SMP_FLAGS
- fix build langpacks
- fix startup warnings (error console) for omni and inspector
- complete default prefs from the latest RHEL6 Firefox and Fedora 18 Seamonkey
- add patch for jemalloc for powerpc arches (#852698)
- Update to 2.12.1
- Update to 2.12
- Update to 2.11
- Update to 2.10.1
- Update to 2.10
- change sed string for version number to support 2 digits
- remove specific .so's from installer manifest
- fix the cache path for header.py and associated files when building
in srcdir (vs using seperate objdir)
- Fixed #717242 - does not adhere to Static Library Packaging Guidelines
- Fixed #747411 - seamonkey needs better icons (by Edward Sheldrake)
- Fixed directories (#566901)
- Update to 2.9.1
- Update to 2.9
- Add ARM configuration options
- gcc 4.7 build fixes
- Update to 2.8
- Added fix for mozbz#727401 - libpng crash
- Update to 2.7.1
- gcc 4.7 build fixes
- Update to 2.7
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
- Fixed langpacks
- Update to 2.5
- fix build on secondary arches
- Update to 2.4.1
- Update to 2.3.3
- Update to 2.3
- rebuild for new hunspell
- Update to 2.0.14
- Update to 2.0.13
- Update to 2.0.12
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
- BR dbus-glib-devel
- disabled system cairo, breaks animated gifs (rhbz#628331)
Release/Architecture | Filename | MD5sum | Superseded By Advisory | Channel Label |
Oracle Linux 8 (x86_64) | seamonkey-2.53.20-2.el8.src.rpm | 0b00fdf0f895d07f0ca7c610017120c8 | - | ol8_x86_64_developer_EPEL |
seamonkey-2.53.20-2.el8.x86_64.rpm | 3564d3b08dd4147916cfcc1186b92bee | - | ol8_x86_64_developer_EPEL |
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