ELSA-2024-2987 - python27:2.7 security update
Type: | SECURITY |
Severity: | MODERATE |
Release Date: | 2024-05-24 |
- Fix CVE-2021-20095
Resolves: rhbz#1955615
- Bumping due to problems with modular RPM upgrade path
- Resolves: rhbz#1695587
- Fix unversioned requires/buildrequires
- Resolves: rhbz#1628242
- Remove unversioned binaries
- Resolves: rhbz#1613343
- Make possible to disable python3 subpackage
- Remove dependency on an exotic testing package python-freezegun which we
don't have capacity to ship in RHEL8
- Run tests in pytest (as declared in BuildRequires) instead of unittest
- Build the documentation always using the Python 3 version Sphinx
- Require the python36-devel package when building for the python36 module
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
- update to upstream version 2.5.1
- Update Python 2 dependency declarations to new packaging standards
(See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FinalizingFedoraSwitchtoPython3)
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild
- Finish bootstrapping for Python 3.6
- Rebuild for Python 3.6
- Add 'bootstrap' conditions
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Automatic_Provides_for_Python_RPM_Packages
* Tue May 31 2016 Nils Philippsen
- fix source URL
- version 2.3.4
- always build Python3 subpackages
- remove obsolete packaging constructs
- update to current Python packaging guidelines
- build docs non-destructively
- tag license file as %license
- use %python_provide macro only if present
- update remove-pytz-version patch
- fix build dependencies
- set TZ in %check
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/python3.5
- Also make sure that the babel package that has pybabel depends on the correct
packages (python2 packages on F23 or less and python3 packages on F24 and
- Install the python3 version of pybabel on Fedora 24+ to match with Fedora's
default python version
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
- Remove pytz version requirement in egginfo as it confuses newer setuptools
- Change python-setuptools-devel BR into python-setuptools
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Python_3.4
- fix dependencies (#1083470)
- enable python3 subpackage
- update to Babel 1.3
- disabled %check as it tries to download the CLDR
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
- split documentation off to a separate subpackage
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild
- run tests in %check
- add pytz build requirement for tests
- rebuild for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_3.3
- disable building of non-functional python3 subpackage (#761583)
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
- version 0.9.6:
* Backport r493-494: documentation typo fixes.
* Make the CLDR import script work with Python 2.7.
* Fix various typos.
* Fixed Python 2.3 compatibility (ticket #146, #233).
* Sort output of list-locales.
* Make the POT-Creation-Date of the catalog being updated equal to
POT-Creation-Date of the template used to update (ticket #148).
* Use a more explicit error message if no option or argument (command) is
passed to pybabel (ticket #81).
* Keep the PO-Revision-Date if it is not the default value (ticket #148).
* Make --no-wrap work by reworking --width's default and mimic xgettext's
behaviour of always wrapping comments (ticket #145).
* Fixed negative offset handling of Catalog._set_mime_headers (ticket #165).
* Add --project and --version options for commandline (ticket #173).
* Add a __ne__() method to the Local class.
* Explicitly sort instead of using sorted() and don't assume ordering
(Python 2.3 and Jython compatibility).
* Removed ValueError raising for string formatting message checkers if the
string does not contain any string formattings (ticket #150).
* Fix Serbian plural forms (ticket #213).
* Small speed improvement in format_date() (ticket #216).
* Fix number formatting for locales where CLDR specifies alt or draft
items (ticket #217)
* Fix bad check in format_time (ticket #257, reported with patch and tests by
* Fix so frontend.CommandLineInterface.run does not accumulate logging
handlers (#227, reported with initial patch by dfraser)
* Fix exception if environment contains an invalid locale setting (#200)
- install python2 rather than python3 executable (#710880)
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
- Add python3 subpackage
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild
- This release contains a small number of bugfixes over the 0.9.4
- release.
- What's New:
- -----------
- * Fixed the case where messages containing square brackets would break
- with an unpack error
- * Fuzzy matching regarding plurals should *NOT* be checked against
- len(message.id) because this is always 2, instead, it's should be
- checked against catalog.num_plurals (ticket #212).
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
- Added missing requires to python-setuptools for pkg_resources
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuild for Python 2.6
- Update to 0.9.4
- Update to 0.9.3
- Update to 0.9.1
- BR python-setuptools-devel
- Update to 0.9
- Update to 0.8.1
- Remove upstreamed patch.
- Replace patch with one that actually applies.
- Apply upstream patch to rename command line script to 'pybabel' - BZ#246208
- First version for Fedora
- Bumping due to problems with modular RPM upgrade path
- Resolves: rhbz#1695587
- Replace GCC's attribute optimize('Os') by the better supported and similar (cold).
- Resolves: rhbz#1658621
- Remove unversioned provides
- Resolves: rhbz#1628242
- Remove unversioned binaries from python2 subpackage
- Resolves: rhbz#1613343
- First version for python27 module
- Fix include path
- Related: rhbz#1907601
- Fix %check
- Related: rhbz#1907601
- Use macros rather than hardcoded paths
- Resolves: rhbz#1907601
- Fix CVE-2019-6446
- Resolves: rhbz#1668829
- Set proper build flags for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Python_Extension_Flags
- Resolves: rhbz#1715036
- Fix broken float128 on all arches except x86_64
- Resolves: rhbz#1688709
- Bumping due to problems with modular RPM upgrade path
- Resolves: rhbz#1695587
- Remove unversioned provides
- Resolves: rhbz#1628242
- Fix unversioned requires/buildrequires
- Resolves: rhbz#1628242
- Bring symlink f2py2 back for symlink modules
- Resolves: rhbz#1615727
- Remove unversioned binaries from python2 subpackage
- Resolves: rhbz#1613343
- Switch python3 coditions to bcond
- Use python2 macros instead of unversioned python macros
- Change the shebang of f2py to the versioned /usr/bin/python2
- Fix incorrect Python version guess when building on Platform-Python
- 1.14.2
- 1.14.1
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
- 1.14.0 rc1
- Fix ambiguous Python 2 dependency declarations
(See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FinalizingFedoraSwitchtoPython3)
- Split out doc subpackage.
- Cleanup spec file conditionals
- set proper environment variables for openblas
- 1.13.3
- 1.13.2
- Use openblas where available, BZ 1472318.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
- 1.13.1 final
- 1.13.0 final
- 1.13.0 rc2
- 1.13.0 rc1
- 1.12.1
- Update to 1.12.0, build with gcc 7.0.
- Rebuild for Python 3.6
- Update to 1.11.2 final
- Update to 1.11.2rc1, BZ 1340440.
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Automatic_Provides_for_Python_RPM_Packages
- Update to 1.11.1 final
- Update to 1.11.1rc1, BZ 1340440.
- Update to 1.11.0 final
- Update to 1.11.0rc2
- Bump Release. 1b2 is higher than 0b3
- Update to 1.11.0b2, BZ 1306249.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 1.11.0b2, BZ 1303387.
- Update to git snapshot (due to build issue) after 1.11.0b1, BZ 1301943.
- Update to 1.10.4, BZ 1296509.
- Update to 1.10.2, BZ 1291674.
- Update to 1.10.2rc1, BZ 1289550.
- Update to 1.10.2rc1
- Drop opt-flags patch applied upstream
- Add provides to satisfy numpy%{_isa} requires in other packages
- Re-add provides f2py
- Fix obsoletes / provides for numpy -> python2-numpy rename
- Remove fortran flags or arm would build with -march=x86-64
- Provide python2-* packages
- Run tests with verbose=2
- Update to 1.10.1, BZ 1271022.
- Rebuilt for Python3.5 rebuild
- Update to 1.10.0 final.
- Update to 1.10.0b1, BZ 1252641.
- Add python2-numpy provides (bug #1249423)
- Spec cleanup
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 1.9.2
- Add upstream patch to fix xerbla linkage (bug #1172834)
- Update to 1.9.1, BZ 1160273.
- Update to 1.9.0
- Update to 1.9.0rc1
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 1.8.2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuild for Python 3.4
- Fixing FTBFS on ppc64le (#1078354)
- Update to 1.8.1
- Fix __pycache__ ownership (bug #1072467)
- Fix CVE-2014-1858, CVE-2014-1859: #1062009, #1062359
- Ship doc module (bug #1034357)
- Move f2py documentation to f2py package (bug #1027394)
- Update to 1.8.0 final
- Update to 1.8.0rc2
- Create clean site.cfg
- Use serial atlas
- Add [atlas] to site.cfg for new atlas library names
- Update site.cfg for new atlas library names
- rebuild for atlas 3.10
- Fix libdir path in site.cfg, BZ 1006242.
- Update to 1.8.0b2
- Update to 1.8.0b1
- Drop f2py patch applied upstream
- URL Fix, BZ 1001337
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
- Fix rpmlint warnings
- Update License
- Apply patch: change shebang of f2py to use binary directly
- Specfile cleanup (bug #969854)
- Update to 1.7.1
- Update to 1.7.0 final
- Update to 1.7.0rc1
- Update to 1.7.0b2
- Drop patches applied upstream
- Add patch from github pull 371 to fix python 3.3 pickle issue
- Remove cython .c source regeneration - fails now
- add workaround for rhbz#849713 (fixes FTBFS)
- Update to 1.7.0b1
- Rebase python 3.3 patchs to current git master
- Drop patches applied upstream
- rework patches for 3.3 to more directly reflect upstream's commits
- re-enable test suite on python 3
- forcibly regenerate Cython .c source to avoid import issues on Python 3.3
- rebuild for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_3.3
- needs unicode patch
- remove rhel logic from with_python3 conditional
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 1.6.2 final
- Update to 1.6.2rc1
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 1.6.1
- Bump and rebuild for BZ 712251.
- Update to 1.6.0 final
- Update to 1.6.0b2
- Drop import patch fixed upstream
- Update to 1.6.0b1
- Build python3 module with python3
- Add patch from upstream to fix build time import error
- Update to 1.5.1 final
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
- fix the AttributeError during tests
- fix build on s390(x)
- rebuild for newer python3
- update to 1.5.1rc1
- add python3 subpackage
- some spec-cleanups
- actually add the patch this time
- fix segfault within %check on 2.7 (patch 2)
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild
- ignore the 'Ticket #1299 second test' failure on s390(x)
- source commit fix
- New upstream release. Include backported doublefree patch
- Moved distutils back to the main package, BZ 572820.
- Reverted to 1.3.0 after upstream pulled 1.4.0, BZ 579065.
- Linking /usr/include/numpy to .h files, BZ 185079.
- Re-enabling atlas BR, dropping lapack Requires.
- Since the previous didn't work, Requiring lapack.
- Temporarily dropping atlas BR to work around 562577.
- 1.4.0.
- Dropped ARM patch, ARM support added upstream.
- Add ARM support
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
- Fixed atlas BR, BZ 505376.
- EVR bump for pygame chainbuild.
- Moved linalg, fft back to main package.
- Split out f2py into subpackage, thanks Peter Robinson pbrobinson@gmail.com.
- Update to latest upstream.
- Fixed Source0 URL.
- Update to latest upstream.
- Require python-devel, BZ 488464.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 1.2.1.
- Rebuild for Python 2.6
- New upstream release, added python-nose BR. BZ 465999.
- Using atlas blas, not blas-devel. BZ 461472.
- New upstream release
- New upstream release
- New upstream release
- Add python egg to %files on f9+
- New upstream release
- New upstream release
- Drop BR: atlas-devel, since it just provides binary-compat
blas and lapack libs. Atlas can still be optionally used
at runtime. (Note: this is all per the atlas maintainer).
- New upstream release
- Update gfortran patch to recognize latest gfortran f95 support
- Resolves rhbz#236444
- Fix up cpuinfo bug (#229753). Upstream bug/change:
- Per discussion w/Jose Matos, Obsolete/Provide f2py, as the
stand-alone one is no longer supported/maintained upstream
- New upstream release
- Rebuild for python 2.5
- New upstream release
- New upstream release
- Upstream update
- Upstream update
- Rebuild for Fedora Extras 5
- Initial RPM release
- Added gfortran patch from Neal Becker
- Add Oracle Linux distribution in platform.py [Orabug: 20812544]
- Security fix for CVE-2022-48560
Resolves: RHEL-16702
- Fix for CVE-2022-48565
Resolves: RHEL-7088
- Fix for CVE-2022-40897
Resolves: RHEL-9763
- Bumping due to problems with modular RPM upgrade path
- Resolves: rhbz#1695587
- Remove unversioned binaries from python2 subpackage
- Resolves: rhbz#1613343
- Switch python3 conditions to bcond
- First version for python27 module
- Fix the license identifier
- Resolves: rhbz#2213306
- Bumping due to problems with modular RPM upgrade path
- Resolves: rhbz#1695587
- Remove unversioned binaries from python2 subpackage
- Resolves: rhbz#1613343
- Make possible to disable python3 subpackage
- update to 4.5.1
- update to 4.5
- update to 4.4.2
- Use better Obsoletes for platform-python
- Remove platform-python subpackage
- Cleanup spec
- Add platform-python subpackage
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
- update to 4.4.1
- update to 4.4
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild
- update to 4.3.3
- update to 4.3.1
- Rebuild for Python 3.6
- 4.2 final
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Automatic_Provides_for_Python_RPM_Packages
- update to 4.2b1
- update to 4.1
- update to 4.1b3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
- update to 4.1b2
- Fix and install license
- Cleanup and modernize spec
- Note bundled jquery libraries
- update to 4.1b1
- update to 4.0.3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/python3.5
- update to 4.0.2
- update to 4.0.1
- update to 4.0 final
- Rebuilt for Python3.5 rebuild
- update to 4.0b3
- update to 4.0b2
- update to 4.0b1
- add missing Provides: python2-coverage
- update to 4.0a6
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
- No longer run 2to3 on the python3 sources.
- unicode fixup
- update to 4.0a5
- update to 4.0a3
- update to 4.0a2
- Update to 4.0a1
- Update to 3.7.1 (#1043090)
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuild for Python 3.4
- update to 3.7
- fix macros for current guidelines
- rename binary (with compat symlinks)
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
- update to 3.6 final
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild
- update to 3.6beta3
- update to 3.6beta1
- patch0 merged into upstream
- Patch from upstream for traceback when people use this with python2 and
python3 in the same directory
- update to 3.5.3
- rebuild for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_3.3
- remove rhel logic from with_python3 conditional
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
- update to 3.5.2b1
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
- update to 3.5.1b1
- update to 3.5b1
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
- rebuild for newer python3
- Update to 3.4 (#631751)
- Rebuild against Python 3.2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild
- Fix license tag, permissions, and filtering extraneous provides
- Update to 3.3.1
- add python 3 subpackage (#536948)
- Require python-setuptools (#556290)
- update to 3.2
- Update to 3.1
- update to 3.0.1
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
- fix install invocation
- Initial package for Fedora
- Bumping due to problems with modular RPM upgrade path
- Resolves: rhbz#1695587
- Update to 2.7.16
Resolves: rhbz#1680967
- Modify for prebuilding and deploying on RHEL8
- Rename the info page to python2
- Resolves: rhbz#1656048
- Modify for building on RHEL8
- Disable the tests, because the linkchecker package isn't available in RHEL8
- Resolves: rhbz#1656048
- Update to 2.7.15
- Only recommend the python2 package
- Remove Obsoletes tag from when python was renamed to python2 (Fedora 25 was last)
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
- Fix ambiguous Python 2 dependencies declarations
(See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FinalizingFedoraSwitchtoPython3)
- Update to 2.7.14
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
- Change fixed Obsoletes version with a dynamic one (rhbz#1457336)
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 2.7.13
- Rename package to python2-docs
- Remove unversioned Obsoletes.
- Update to 2.7.12.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 2.7.11
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 2.7.10
- Update to 2.7.9
- Update to 2.7.8
- Update to 2.7.7
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
- Updated to v2.7.6
- Used _pkgdocdir instead of _docdir
- Small tweaks of Suvayu's patch
- Enable Texinfo builder, add subpackage with python info pages
- Spec cleanup
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
- Version 2.7.5.
- Version 2.7.4.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
- make link checking optional, to avoid needing to pull in linkchecker and
its dependencies (rbhz#823930)
- 2.7.3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
- fix broken link to 'Global Module Index', and add a %check, verifying the
absence of broken links (rhbz#670493)
- 2.7.2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
- 2.7.1
- Update to 2.7
- move to 2.6.5: http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.6.5/
- fix %description (bug #559710)
- update sources for 2.6.4
- move to 2.6.4
- drop build requirement on python-jinja; python-sphinx requires python-jinja2
(bug 532135)
- Move to 2.6.2 like python itself.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
- Fix import error (#511647)
- Spec file cleanup (#226341)
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 2.6
- Move to 2.5.2 like python itself.
- fix license tag
- mkdir a build root to keep recent rpm/mock happy.
- update to 2.5.1
- update to 2.5
- update to 2.4.4
- rebuild
- updated to 2.4.3
* Fri Dec 09 2005 Jesse Keating
- rebuilt
- updated to 2.4.2
- updated to 2.4.1
- changed package to noarch
- split the doc building step into a separate source rpm
- Bumping due to problems with modular RPM upgrade path
- Resolves: rhbz#1695587
- Switch python3 coditions to bcond
- First version for python27 module
- Security fix for CVE-2024-22195
Resolves: RHEL-21348
- Fix CVE-2020-28493: ReDOS vulnerability due to the sub-pattern
Resolves: rhbz#1928707
- Bumping due to problems with modular RPM upgrade path
- Resolves: rhbz#1695587
- Fix conditions
- Specfile cleanup and fixes
- Disable Python 2 build by default
- Allow build with Python 2
- Remove docs from Python 2 package
- Remove dependency on python2-babel and python2-sphinx
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 2.10.
- Use %bcond.
- Move BRs to their respective subpackages.
- Really cleanup spec file conditionals
- Cleanup spec file conditionals
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 2.9.6.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 2.9.5.
- Update to 2.9.4.
- Update to 2.8.1.
- Rebuild for Python 3.6
- Ship python2-jinja2 (bug #1378519)
- Modernize spec
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Automatic_Provides_for_Python_RPM_Packages
- Do not call py.test, there are currently no tests in the tarball.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for Python3.5 rebuild
- Apply updates Python packaging guidelines.
- Mark LICENSE with %license.
- Upstream 2.8
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
- Add Requires python(3)-setuptools (bug #1168774)
- Update to 2.7.3.
- Reenable docs.
- Bootstrap (without docs) build for Python 3.4
- Update to 2.7.2.
- Update python3 conditional.
- Update to 2.7.1.
- Update to 2.7
- spec cleanup
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild
- rebuild for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_3.3
- remove rhel logic from with_python3 conditional
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 2.6.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
- Re-enable html doc generation.
- Remove conditional for F-12 and below.
- Do not silently fail the testsuite for with py3k.
- Move python3 runtime requirements to python3 subpackage
- Update to 2.5.5.
- Revert to previous behavior: fail the build on failed test.
- Rebuild for Python 3.2.
- %ifnarch doesn't work on noarch package so don't fail the build on failed tests
- disable the testsuite on s390(x)
- Update to upstream version 2.5.2.
- Package depends on python-markupsafe and is noarch now.
- add explicit build-requirement on python-setuptools
- fix doc disablement for python3 subpackage
- support disabling documentation in the build to break a circular build-time
dependency with python-sphinx; disable docs for now
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild
- Update to upstream version 2.5.
- Create python3 subpackage.
- Minor specfile fixes.
- Add examples directory.
- Thanks to Gareth Armstrong for additional hints.
- Update to 2.4.1.
- Update to 2.4.
- Update to 2.3.1.
- Docs are built using Sphinx now.
- Run the testsuite.
- Update to 2.2.1, mainly a bugfix release.
- Remove patch no longer needed.
- Remove conditional for FC-8.
- Compilation of speedup module has to be explicitly requested now.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 2.1.1 (bugfix release).
- Update to 2.1, which fixes a number of bugs.
See http://jinja.pocoo.org/2/documentation/changelog#version-2-1.
- Rebuild for Python 2.6
- Use rpm buildroot macro instead of RPM_BUILD_ROOT.
- Upstream released 2.0.
- Modified specfile from the existing python-jinja package.
- Security fix for CVE-2021-43818
Resolves: rhbz#2032569
- Security fix for CVE-2021-28957
Resolves: rhbz#1941534
- Security fix for CVE-2020-27783: mXSS due to the use of improper parser
Resolves: rhbz#1901633
- Bumping due to problems with modular RPM upgrade path
- Resolves: rhbz#1695587
- Conditionalize the python3 subpackage
- Resolves: rhbz#1638698
- New upstream release 4.2.3
- Conditionalize the python2 subpackage
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 4.1.1
- Conditionally allow building without Cython
- Update to 4.0.0
- Update to 3.8.0. Fixes bug #1458529
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 3.7.2
- Update to 3.7.1
- Rebuild for Python 3.6
- Update to 3.7.0
- Update to 3.6.4
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Automatic_Provides_for_Python_RPM_Packages
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
- fix conditional
- Rebuilt for Python3.5 rebuild
- Update to 3.4.4
- Use %license, cleanup spec
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
- 3.3.6 (2014-08-28)
- ==================
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * Prevent tree cycle creation when adding Elements as siblings.
- * LP#1361948: crash when deallocating Element siblings without parent.
- * LP#1354652: crash when traversing internally loaded documents in XSLT
- extension functions.
* Sun Aug 17 2014 Fedora Release Engineering
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Python_3.4
- 3.3.5 (2014-04-18)
- ==================
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * HTML cleaning could fail to strip javascript links that mix control
- characters into the link scheme.
- 3.3.4 (2014-04-03)
- ==================
- Features added
- --------------
- * Source line numbers above 65535 are available on Elements when
- using libxml2 2.9 or later.
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * lxml.html.fragment_fromstring() failed for bytes input in Py3.
- Fix macro definition
- Add python3-cssselect to correct package
- python3-cssselect is not available on F19
- BZ#1075070 add requires and buildrequires for cssselect
- 3.3.3 (2014-03-04)
- ==================
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * LP#1287118: Crash when using Element subtypes with __slots__.
- Other changes
- -------------
- * The internal classes _LogEntry and _Attrib can no longer be
- subclassed from Python code.
- Add check section #1075070
- 3.3.2 (2014-02-26)
- ==================
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * The properties resolvers and version, as well as the methods
- set_element_class_lookup() and makeelement(), were lost from
- iterparse objects.
- * LP#1222132: instances of XMLSchema, Schematron and RelaxNG
- did not clear their local error_log before running a validation.
- * LP#1238500: lxml.doctestcompare mixed up 'expected' and 'actual' in
- attribute values.
- * Some file I/O tests were failing in MS-Windows due to incorrect temp
- file usage. Initial patch by Gabi Davar.
- * LP#910014: duplicate IDs in a document were not reported by DTD
- validation.
- * LP#1185332: tostring(method='html') did not use HTML serialisation
- semantics for trailing tail text. Initial patch by Sylvain Viollon.
- * LP#1281139: .attrib value of Comments lost its mutation methods
- in 3.3.0. Even though it is empty and immutable, it should still
- provide the same interface as that returned for Elements.
- 3.3.1 (2014-02-12)
- ==================
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * LP#1014290: HTML documents parsed with parser.feed() failed to find
- elements during tag iteration.
- * LP#1273709: Building in PyPy failed due to missing support for
- PyUnicode_Compare() and PyByteArray_*() in PyPy's C-API.
- * LP#1274413: Compilation in MSVC failed due to missing 'stdint.h' standard
- header file.
- * LP#1274118: iterparse() failed to parse BOM prefixed files.
- Update Cython requirement to >= 0.20
- 3.3.0 (2014-01-26)
- ==================
- Features added
- --------------
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * The heuristic that distinguishes file paths from URLs was tightened
- to produce less false negatives.
- Other changes
- -------------
- 3.3.0beta5 (2014-01-18)
- =======================
- Features added
- --------------
- * The PEP 393 unicode parsing support gained a fallback for wchar strings
- which might still be somewhat common on Windows systems.
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * Several error handling problems were fixed throughout the code base that
- could previously lead to exceptions being silently swallowed or not
- properly reported.
- * The C-API function appendChild() is now deprecated as it does not
- propagate exceptions (its return type is void). The new function
- appendChildToElement() was added as a safe replacement.
- * Passing a string into fromstringlist() raises an exception instead of
- parsing the string character by character.
- Other changes
- -------------
- * Document cleanup code was simplified using the new GC features in
- Cython 0.20.
- 3.3.0beta4 (2014-01-12)
- =======================
- Features added
- --------------
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * The (empty) value returned by the attrib property of Entity and
- Comment objects was mutable.
- * Element class lookup wasn't available for the new pull parsers or when
- using a custom parser target.
- * Setting Element attributes on instantiation with both the attrib
- argument and keyword arguments could modify the mapping passed as
- attrib.
- * LP#1266171: DTDs instantiated from internal/external subsets (i.e.
- through the docinfo property) lost their attribute declarations.
- Other changes
- -------------
- * Built with Cython 0.20pre (gitrev 012ae82eb) to prepare support for
- Python 3.4.
- 3.3.0beta3 (2014-01-02)
- =======================
- Features added
- --------------
- * Unicode string parsing was optimised for Python 3.3 (PEP 393).
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * HTML parsing of Unicode strings could misdecode the input on some
- platforms.
- * Crash in xmlfile() when closing open elements out of order in an error
- case.
- Other changes
- -------------
- 3.3.0beta2 (2013-12-20)
- =======================
- Features added
- --------------
- * iterparse() supports the recover option.
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * Crash in iterparse() for HTML parsing.
- * Crash in target parsing with attributes.
- Other changes
- -------------
- * The safety check in the read-only tree implementation (e.g. used by
- PythonElementClassLookup) raises a more appropriate
- ReferenceError for illegal access after tree disposal instead of
- an AssertionError. This should only impact test code that
- specifically checks the original behaviour.
- 3.3.0beta1 (2013-12-12)
- =======================
- Features added
- --------------
- * New option handle_failures in make_links_absolute() and
- resolve_base_href() (lxml.html) that enables ignoring or
- discarding links that fail to parse as URLs.
- * New parser classes XMLPullParser and HTMLPullParser for
- incremental parsing, as implemented for ElementTree in Python 3.4.
- * iterparse() enables recovery mode by default for HTML parsing
- (html=True).
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * LP#1255132: crash when trying to run validation over non-Element (e.g.
- comment or PI).
- * Error messages in the log and in exception messages that originated
- from libxml2 could accidentally be picked up from preceding warnings
- instead of the actual error.
- * The ElementMaker in lxml.objectify did not accept a dict as
- argument for adding attributes to the element it's building. This
- works as in lxml.builder now.
- * LP#1228881: repr(XSLTAccessControl) failed in Python 3.
- * Raise ValueError when trying to append an Element to itself or
- to one of its own descendants, instead of running into an infinite
- loop.
- * LP#1206077: htmldiff discarded whitespace from the output.
- * Compressed plain-text serialisation to file-like objects was broken.
- * lxml.html.formfill: Fix textarea form filling.
- The textarea used to be cleared before the new content was set,
- which removed the name attribute.
- Other changes
- -------------
- * Some basic API classes use freelists internally for faster
- instantiation. This can speed up some iterparse() scenarios,
- for example.
- * iterparse() was rewritten to use the new *PullParser
- classes internally instead of being a parser itself.
- 3.2.4 (2013-11-07)
- ==================
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * Memory leak when creating an XPath evaluator in a thread.
- * LP#1228881: repr(XSLTAccessControl) failed in Python 3.
- * Raise ValueError when trying to append an Element to itself or
- to one of its own descendants.
- * LP#1206077: htmldiff discarded whitespace from the output.
- * Compressed plain-text serialisation to file-like objects was broken.
- Add requirement for on python-cssselect for the python2 version
- and here's a version 3.2.3. The last release accidentally lost the ability
- to work on Python 2.4. There are no other changes over 3.2.2.
- 3.2.2 (2013-07-28)
- ==================
- Features added
- --------------
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * LP#1185701: spurious XMLSyntaxError after finishing iterparse().
- * Crash in lxml.objectify during xsi annotation.
- Other changes
- -------------
- * Return values of user provided element class lookup methods are now
- validated against the type of the XML node they represent to prevent
- API class mismatches.
- 3.2.1 (2013-05-11)
- ==================
- Features added
- --------------
- * The methods apply_templates() and process_children() of XSLT
- extension elements have gained two new boolean options elements_only
- and remove_blank_text that discard either all strings or
- whitespace-only strings from the result list.
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * When moving Elements to another tree, the namespace cleanup mechanism
- no longer drops namespace prefixes from attributes for which it finds
- a default namespace declaration, to prevent them from appearing as
- unnamespaced attributes after serialisation.
- * Returning non-type objects from a custom class lookup method could lead
- to a crash.
- * Instantiating and using subtypes of Comments and ProcessingInstructions
- crashed.
- 3.2.0 (2013-04-28)
- ==================
- Features added
- --------------
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * LP#690319: Leading whitespace could change the behaviour of the string
- parsing functions in lxml.html.
- * LP#599318: The string parsing functions in lxml.html are more robust
- in the face of uncommon HTML content like framesets or missing body tags.
- Patch by Stefan Seelmann.
- * LP#712941: I/O errors while trying to access files with paths that
- contain non-ASCII characters could raise UnicodeDecodeError instead
- of properly reporting the IOError.
- * LP#673205: Parsing from in-memory strings disabled network access in the
- default parser and made subsequent attempts to parse from a URL fail.
- * LP#971754: lxml.html.clean appends 'nofollow' to 'rel' attributes instead
- of overwriting the current value.
- * LP#715687: lxml.html.clean no longer discards scripts that are explicitly
- allowed by the user provided whitelist. Patch by Christine Koppelt.
- 3.1.2 (2013-04-12)
- ==================
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * LP#1136509: Passing attributes through the namespace-unaware API of
- the sax bridge (i.e. the handler.startElement() method) failed
- with a TypeError. Patch by Mike Bayer.
- * LP#1123074: Fix serialisation error in XSLT output when converting
- the result tree to a Unicode string.
- * GH#105: Replace illegal usage of xmlBufLength() in libxml2 2.9.0
- by properly exported API function xmlBufUse().
- 3.1.1 (2013-03-29)
- ==================
- Features added
- --------------
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * LP#1160386: Write access to lxml.html.FormElement.fields raised
- an AttributeError in Py3.
- * Illegal memory access during cleanup in incremental xmlfile writer.
- Other changes
- -------------
- * The externally useless class lxml.etree._BaseParser was removed
- from the module dict.
- 3.1.0 (2013-02-10)
- ==================
- Features added
- --------------
- * GH#89: lxml.html.clean allows overriding the set of attributes that it
- considers 'safe'. Patch by Francis Devereux.
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * LP#1104370: copy.copy(el.attrib) raised an exception. It now returns
- a copy of the attributes as a plain Python dict.
- * GH#95: When used with namespace prefixes, the el.find*() methods
- always used the first namespace mapping that was provided for each
- path expression instead of using the one that was actually passed
- in for the current run.
- * LP#1092521, GH#91: Fix undefined C symbol in Python runtimes compiled
- without threading support. Patch by Ulrich Seidl.
- Other changes
- -------------
- 3.1beta1 (2012-12-21)
- =====================
- Features added
- --------------
- * New build-time option --with-unicode-strings for Python 2 that
- makes the API always return Unicode strings for names and text
- instead of byte strings for plain ASCII content.
- * New incremental XML file writing API etree.xmlfile().
- * E factory in lxml.objectify is callable to simplify the creation of
- tags with non-identifier names without having to resort to getattr().
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * When starting from a non-namespaced element in lxml.objectify, searching
- for a child without explicitly specifying a namespace incorrectly found
- namespaced elements with the requested local name, instead of restricting
- the search to non-namespaced children.
- * GH#85: Deprecation warnings were fixed for Python 3.x.
- * GH#33: lxml.html.fromstring() failed to accept bytes input in Py3.
- * LP#1080792: Static build of libxml2 2.9.0 failed due to missing file.
- Other changes
- -------------
- * The externally useless class _ObjectifyElementMakerCaller was
- removed from the module API of lxml.objectify.
- * LP#1075622: lxml.builder is faster for adding text to elements with
- many children. Patch by Anders Hammarquist.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild
- 3.0.1 (2012-10-14)
- Bugs fixed
- * LP#1065924: Element proxies could disappear during garbage collection
- in PyPy without proper cleanup.
- * GH#71: Failure to work with libxml2 2.6.x.
- * LP#1065139: static MacOS-X build failed in Py3.
- 3.0 (2012-10-08)
- ================
- Features added
- --------------
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * End-of-file handling was incorrect in iterparse() when reading from
- a low-level C file stream and failed in libxml2 2.9.0 due to its
- improved consistency checks.
- Other changes
- -------------
- * The build no longer uses Cython by default unless the generated C files
- are missing. To use Cython, pass the option '--with-cython'. To ignore
- the fatal build error when Cython is required but not available (e.g. to
- run special setup.py commands that do not actually run a build), pass
- '--without-cython'.
- 3.0beta1 (2012-09-26)
- =====================
- Features added
- --------------
- * Python level access to (optional) libxml2 memory debugging features
- to simplify debugging of memory leaks etc.
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * Fix a memory leak in XPath by switching to Cython 0.17.1.
- * Some tests were adapted to work with PyPy.
- Other changes
- -------------
- * The code was adapted to work with the upcoming libxml2 2.9.0 release.
- 3.0alpha2 (2012-08-23)
- ======================
- Features added
- --------------
- * The .iter() method of elements now accepts tag arguments like '{*}name'
- to search for elements with a given local name in any namespace. With
- this addition, all combinations of wildcards now work as expected:
- '{ns}name', '{}name', '{*}name', '{ns}*', '{}*' and '{*}*'. Note that
- 'name' is equivalent to '{}name', but '*' is '{*}*'. The same change
- applies to the .getiterator(), .itersiblings(), .iterancestors(),
- .iterdescendants(), .iterchildren() and .itertext() methods, the
- strip_attributes(), strip_elements() and strip_tags() functions as well
- as the iterparse() function.
- * C14N allows specifying the inclusive prefixes to be promoted to
- top-level during exclusive serialisation.
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * Passing long Unicode strings into the feed() parser interface failed to
- read the entire string.
- Other changes
- -------------
- 3.0alpha1 (2012-07-31)
- ======================
- Features added
- --------------
- * Initial support for building in PyPy (through cpyext).
- * DTD objects gained an API that allows read access to their
- declarations.
- * xpathgrep.py gained support for parsing line-by-line (e.g.
- from grep output) and for surrounding the output with a new root
- tag.
- * E-factory in lxml.builder accepts subtypes of known data
- types (such as string subtypes) when building elements around them.
- * Tree iteration and iterparse() with a selective tag
- argument supports passing a set of tags. Tree nodes will be
- returned by the iterators if they match any of the tags.
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * The .find*() methods in lxml.objectify no longer use XPath
- internally, which makes them faster in many cases (especially when
- short circuiting after a single or couple of elements) and fixes
- some behavioural differences compared to lxml.etree. Note that
- this means that they no longer support arbitrary XPath expressions
- but only the subset that the ElementPath language supports.
- The previous implementation was also redundant with the normal
- XPath support, which can be used as a replacement.
- * el.find('*') could accidentally return a comment or processing
- instruction that happened to be in the wrong spot. (Same for the
- other .find*() methods.)
- * The error logging is less intrusive and avoids a global setup where
- possible.
- * Fixed undefined names in html5lib parser.
- * xpathgrep.py did not work in Python 3.
- * Element.attrib.update() did not accept an attrib of
- another Element as parameter.
- * For subtypes of ElementBase that make the .text or .tail
- properties immutable (as in objectify, for example), inserting text
- when creating Elements through the E-Factory feature of the class
- constructor would fail with an exception, stating that the text
- cannot be modified.
- Other changes
- --------------
- * The code base was overhauled to properly use 'const' where the API
- of libxml2 and libxslt requests it. This also has an impact on the
- public C-API of lxml itself, as defined in etreepublic.pxd, as
- well as the provided declarations in the lxml/includes/ directory.
- Code that uses these declarations may have to be adapted. On the
- plus side, this fixes several C compiler warnings, also for user
- code, thus making it easier to spot real problems again.
- * The functionality of 'lxml.cssselect' was moved into a separate PyPI
- package called 'cssselect'. To continue using it, you must install
- that package separately. The 'lxml.cssselect' module is still
- available and provides the same interface, provided the 'cssselect'
- package can be imported at runtime.
- * Element attributes passed in as an attrib dict or as keyword
- arguments are now sorted by (namespaced) name before being created
- to make their order predictable for serialisation and iteration.
- Note that adding or deleting attributes afterwards does not take
- that order into account, i.e. setting a new attribute appends it
- after the existing ones.
- * Several classes that are for internal use only were removed
- from the lxml.etree module dict:
- _InputDocument, _ResolverRegistry, _ResolverContext, _BaseContext,
- _ExsltRegExp, _IterparseContext, _TempStore, _ExceptionContext,
- __ContentOnlyElement, _AttribIterator, _NamespaceRegistry,
- _ClassNamespaceRegistry, _FunctionNamespaceRegistry,
- _XPathFunctionNamespaceRegistry, _ParserDictionaryContext,
- _FileReaderContext, _ParserContext, _PythonSaxParserTarget,
- _TargetParserContext, _ReadOnlyProxy, _ReadOnlyPIProxy,
- _ReadOnlyEntityProxy, _ReadOnlyElementProxy, _OpaqueNodeWrapper,
- _OpaqueDocumentWrapper, _ModifyContentOnlyProxy,
- _ModifyContentOnlyPIProxy, _ModifyContentOnlyEntityProxy,
- _AppendOnlyElementProxy, _SaxParserContext, _FilelikeWriter,
- _ParserSchemaValidationContext, _XPathContext,
- _XSLTResolverContext, _XSLTContext, _XSLTQuotedStringParam
- * Several internal classes can no longer be inherited from:
- _InputDocument, _ResolverRegistry, _ExsltRegExp, _ElementUnicodeResult,
- _IterparseContext, _TempStore, _AttribIterator, _ClassNamespaceRegistry,
- _XPathFunctionNamespaceRegistry, _ParserDictionaryContext,
- _FileReaderContext, _PythonSaxParserTarget, _TargetParserContext,
- _ReadOnlyPIProxy, _ReadOnlyEntityProxy, _OpaqueDocumentWrapper,
- _ModifyContentOnlyPIProxy, _ModifyContentOnlyEntityProxy,
- _AppendOnlyElementProxy, _FilelikeWriter, _ParserSchemaValidationContext,
- _XPathContext, _XSLTResolverContext, _XSLTContext,
- _XSLTQuotedStringParam, _XSLTResultTree, _XSLTProcessingInstruction
- Bugs fixed
- * Crash when merging text nodes in element.remove().
- * Crash in sax/target parser when reporting empty doctype.
- Bugs fixed
- * Crash when building an nsmap (Element property) with empty namespace
- URIs.
- * Crash due to race condition when errors (or user messages) occur during
- threaded XSLT processing (or compilation).
- * XSLT stylesheet compilation could ignore compilation errors.
- rebuild for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_3.3
- remove rhel logic from with_python3 conditional
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
- 2.3.3 (2012-01-04)
- Features added
- * lxml.html.tostring() gained new serialisation options with_tail and
- doctype.
- Bugs fixed
- * Fixed a crash when using iterparse() for HTML parsing and requesting
- start events.
- * Fixed parsing of more selectors in cssselect. Whitespace before pseudo-
- elements and pseudo-classes is significant as it is a descendant
- combinator. 'E :pseudo' should parse the same as 'E *:pseudo', not
- 'E:pseudo'. Patch by Simon Sapin.
- * lxml.html.diff no longer raises an exception when hitting 'img' tags
- without 'src' attribute.
- 2.3.2 (2011-11-11)
- Features added
- * lxml.objectify.deannotate() has a new boolean option
- cleanup_namespaces to remove the objectify namespace declarations
- (and generally clean up the namespace declarations) after removing
- the type annotations.
- * lxml.objectify gained its own SubElement() function as a copy of
- etree.SubElement to avoid an otherwise redundant import of
- lxml.etree on the user side.
- Bugs fixed
- * Fixed the 'descendant' bug in cssselect a second time (after a first
- fix in lxml 2.3.1). The previous change resulted in a serious
- performance regression for the XPath based evaluation of the
- translated expression. Note that this breaks the usage of some
- of the generated XPath expressions as XSLT location paths that
- previously worked in 2.3.1.
- * Fixed parsing of some selectors in cssselect. Whitespace after
- combinators '>', '+' and '~' is now correctly ignored. Previously
- it was parsed as a descendant combinator. For example, 'div> .foo'
- was parsed the same as 'div>* .foo' instead of 'div>.foo'. Patch by
- Simon Sapin.
- Features added
- --------------
- * New option kill_tags in lxml.html.clean to remove specific
- tags and their content (i.e. their whole subtree).
- * pi.get() and pi.attrib on processing instructions to parse
- pseudo-attributes from the text content of processing instructions.
- * lxml.get_include() returns a list of include paths that can be
- used to compile external C code against lxml.etree. This is
- specifically required for statically linked lxml builds when code
- needs to compile against the exact same header file versions as lxml
- itself.
- * Resolver.resolve_file() takes an additional option
- close_file that configures if the file(-like) object will be
- closed after reading or not. By default, the file will be closed,
- as the user is not expected to keep a reference to it.
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * HTML cleaning didn't remove 'data:' links.
- * The html5lib parser integration now uses the 'official'
- implementation in html5lib itself, which makes it work with newer
- releases of the library.
- * In lxml.sax, endElementNS() could incorrectly reject a plain
- tag name when the corresponding start event inferred the same plain
- tag name to be in the default namespace.
- * When an open file-like object is passed into parse() or
- iterparse(), the parser will no longer close it after use. This
- reverts a change in lxml 2.3 where all files would be closed. It is
- the users responsibility to properly close the file(-like) object,
- also in error cases.
- * Assertion error in lxml.html.cleaner when discarding top-level elements.
- * In lxml.cssselect, use the xpath 'A//B' (short for
- 'A/descendant-or-self::node()/B') instead of 'A/descendant::B' for the
- css descendant selector ('A B'). This makes a few edge cases to be
- consistent with the selector behavior in WebKit and Firefox, and makes
- more css expressions valid location paths (for use in xsl:template
- match).
- [tags no longer show up in the
- collected form values.
- [values to/from a multiple select form
- field properly selects them and unselects them.
- Other changes
- --------------
- * Static builds can specify the download directory with the
- --download-dir option.
- 2.3 (2011-02-06)
- ================
- Features added
- --------------
- * When looking for children, lxml.objectify takes '{}tag' as
- meaning an empty namespace, as opposed to the parent namespace.
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * When finished reading from a file-like object, the parser
- immediately calls its .close() method.
- * When finished parsing, iterparse() immediately closes the input
- file.
- * Work-around for libxml2 bug that can leave the HTML parser in a
- non-functional state after parsing a severly broken document (fixed
- in libxml2 2.7.8).
- * marque tag in HTML cleanup code is correctly named marquee.
- Other changes
- --------------
- * Some public functions in the Cython-level C-API have more explicit
- return types.
- 2.3beta1 (2010-09-06)
- =====================
- Features added
- --------------
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * Crash in newer libxml2 versions when moving elements between
- documents that had attributes on replaced XInclude nodes.
- * XMLID() function was missing the optional parser and
- base_url parameters.
- * Searching for wildcard tags in iterparse() was broken in Py3.
- * lxml.html.open_in_browser() didn't work in Python 3 due to the
- use of os.tempnam. It now takes an optional 'encoding' parameter.
- Other changes
- --------------
- 2.3alpha2 (2010-07-24)
- ======================
- Features added
- --------------
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * Crash in XSLT when generating text-only result documents with a
- stylesheet created in a different thread.
- Other changes
- --------------
- * repr() of Element objects shows the hex ID with leading 0x
- (following ElementTree 1.3).
- 2.3alpha1 (2010-06-19)
- ======================
- Features added
- --------------
- * Keyword argument namespaces in lxml.cssselect.CSSSelector()
- to pass a prefix-to-namespace mapping for the selector.
- * New function lxml.etree.register_namespace(prefix, uri) that
- globally registers a namespace prefix for a namespace that newly
- created Elements in that namespace will use automatically. Follows
- ElementTree 1.3.
- * Support 'unicode' string name as encoding parameter in
- tostring(), following ElementTree 1.3.
- * Support 'c14n' serialisation method in ElementTree.write() and
- tostring(), following ElementTree 1.3.
- * The ElementPath expression syntax (el.find*()) was extended to
- match the upcoming ElementTree 1.3 that will ship in the standard
- library of Python 3.2/2.7. This includes extended support for
- predicates as well as namespace prefixes (as known from XPath).
- * During regular XPath evaluation, various ESXLT functions are
- available within their namespace when using libxslt 1.1.26 or later.
- * Support passing a readily configured logger instance into
- PyErrorLog, instead of a logger name.
- * On serialisation, the new doctype parameter can be used to
- override the DOCTYPE (internal subset) of the document.
- * New parameter output_parent to XSLTExtension.apply_templates()
- to append the resulting content directly to an output element.
- * XSLTExtension.process_children() to process the content of the
- XSLT extension element itself.
- * ISO-Schematron support based on the de-facto Schematron reference
- 'skeleton implementation'.
- * XSLT objects now take XPath object as __call__ stylesheet
- parameters.
- * Enable path caching in ElementPath (el.find*()) to avoid parsing
- overhead.
- * Setting the value of a namespaced attribute always uses a prefixed
- namespace instead of the default namespace even if both declare the
- same namespace URI. This avoids serialisation problems when an
- attribute from a default namespace is set on an element from a
- different namespace.
- * XSLT extension elements: support for XSLT context nodes other than
- elements: document root, comments, processing instructions.
- * Support for strings (in addition to Elements) in node-sets returned
- by extension functions.
- * Forms that lack an action attribute default to the base URL of
- the document on submit.
- * XPath attribute result strings have an attrname property.
- * Namespace URIs get validated against RFC 3986 at the API level
- (required by the XML namespace specification).
- * Target parsers show their target object in the .target property
- (compatible with ElementTree).
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- * API is hardened against invalid proxy instances to prevent crashes
- due to incorrectly instantiated Element instances.
- * Prevent crash when instantiating CommentBase and friends.
- * Export ElementTree compatible XML parser class as
- XMLTreeBuilder, as it is called in ET 1.2.
- * ObjectifiedDataElements in lxml.objectify were not hashable. They
- now use the hash value of the underlying Python value (string,
- number, etc.) to which they compare equal.
- * Parsing broken fragments in lxml.html could fail if the fragment
- contained an orphaned closing '
' tag.
- * Using XSLT extension elements around the root of the output document
- crashed.
- * lxml.cssselect did not distinguish between x[attr='val'] and
- x [attr='val'] (with a space). The latter now matches the
- attribute independent of the element.
- * Rewriting multiple links inside of HTML text content could end up
- replacing unrelated content as replacements could impact the
- reported position of subsequent matches. Modifications are now
- simplified by letting the iterlinks() generator in lxml.html
- return links in reversed order if they appear inside the same text
- node. Thus, replacements and link-internal modifications no longer
- change the position of links reported afterwards.
- * The .value attribute of textarea elements in lxml.html did
- not represent the complete raw value (including child tags etc.). It
- now serialises the complete content on read and replaces the
- complete content by a string on write.
- * Target parser didn't call .close() on the target object if
- parsing failed. Now it is guaranteed that .close() will be
- called after parsing, regardless of the outcome.
- Other changes
- -------------
- * Official support for Python 3.1.2 and later.
- * Static MS Windows builds can now download their dependencies
- themselves.
- * Element.attrib no longer uses a cyclic reference back to its
- Element object. It therefore no longer requires the garbage
- collector to clean up.
- * Static builds include libiconv, in addition to libxml2 and libxslt.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
- rebuild for newer python3
- Rebuild for newer libxml2
- 2.2.8 (2010-09-02)
- Bugs fixed
- * Crash in newer libxml2 versions when moving elements between
- documents that had attributes on replaced XInclude nodes.
- * Import fix for urljoin in Python 3.1+.
- Don't byte-compile files during install because setup.py doesn't
properly byte compile for Python version 3.2
- Rebuild for Python 3.2
- 2.2.7 (2010-07-24)
- Bugs fixed
- * Crash in XSLT when generating text-only result documents with a stylesheet created in a different thread.
- actually add the patch this time
- workaround for 2to3 issue (patch 0; bug 600036)
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild
- 2.2.6 (2010-03-02)
- Bugs fixed
- * Fixed several Python 3 regressions by building with Cython 0.11.3.
- 2.2.5 (2010-02-28)
- Features added
- * Support for running XSLT extension elements on the input root node
- (e.g. in a template matching on '/').
- Bugs fixed
- * Crash in XPath evaluation when reading smart strings from a document
- other than the original context document.
- * Support recent versions of html5lib by not requiring its XHTMLParser
- in htmlparser.py anymore.
- * Manually instantiating the custom element classes in lxml.objectify
- could crash.
- * Invalid XML text characters were not rejected by the API when they
- appeared in unicode strings directly after non-ASCII characters.
- * lxml.html.open_http_urllib() did not work in Python 3.
- * The functions strip_tags() and strip_elements() in lxml.etree did
- not remove all occurrences of a tag in all cases.
- * Crash in XSLT extension elements when the XSLT context node is not
- an element.
- update to current python3 guidelines
- be more explicit in %files
- use %global and not %define
- create docs subpackage
- add stripping 3-byte Byte Order Marker from src/lxml/tests/test_errors.py
to get 2to3 to work (dmalcolm)
- fixes FTBFS (#564674)
- Update to 2.2.4
- Enable Python 3 subpackage
- F-13's python build chain must be a little different...
- Add option to build a Python 3 subpackage, original patch by David Malcolm
- 2.2.3 (2009-10-30)
- Bugs fixed
- * The resolve_entities option did not work in the incremental feed
- parser.
- * Looking up and deleting attributes without a namespace could hit a
- namespaced attribute of the same name instead.
- * Late errors during calls to SubElement() (e.g. attribute related
- ones) could leave a partially initialised element in the tree.
- * Modifying trees that contain parsed entity references could result
- in an infinite loop.
- * ObjectifiedElement.__setattr__ created an empty-string child element
- when the attribute value was rejected as a non-unicode/non-ascii
- string
- * Syntax errors in lxml.cssselect could result in misleading error
- messages.
- * Invalid syntax in CSS expressions could lead to an infinite loop in
- the parser of lxml.cssselect.
- * CSS special character escapes were not properly handled in
- lxml.cssselect.
- * CSS Unicode escapes were not properly decoded in lxml.cssselect.
- * Select options in HTML forms that had no explicit value attribute
- were not handled correctly. The HTML standard dictates that their
- value is defined by their text content. This is now supported by
- lxml.html.
- * XPath raised a TypeError when finding CDATA sections. This is now
- fully supported.
- * Calling help(lxml.objectify) didn't work at the prompt.
- * The ElementMaker in lxml.objectify no longer defines the default
- namespaces when annotation is disabled.
- * Feed parser failed to honour the 'recover' option on parse errors.
- * Diverting the error logging to Python's logging system was broken.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
- 2.2.2 (2009-06-21)
- Features added
- * New helper functions strip_attributes(), strip_elements(),
- strip_tags() in lxml.etree to remove attributes/subtrees/tags
- from a subtree.
- Bugs fixed
- * Namespace cleanup on subtree insertions could result in missing
- namespace declarations (and potentially crashes) if the element
- defining a namespace was deleted and the namespace was not used
- by the top element of the inserted subtree but only in deeper
- subtrees.
- * Raising an exception from a parser target callback didn't always
- terminate the parser.
- * Only {true, false, 1, 0} are accepted as the lexical representation
- for BoolElement ({True, False, T, F, t, f} not any more), restoring
- lxml <= 2.0 behaviour.
- 2.2.1 (2009-06-02)
- Features added
- * Injecting default attributes into a document during XML Schema
- validation (also at parse time).
- * Pass huge_tree parser option to disable parser security restrictions
- imposed by libxml2 2.7.
- Bugs fixed
- * The script for statically building libxml2 and libxslt didn't work
- in Py3.
- * XMLSchema() also passes invalid schema documents on to libxml2 for
- parsing (which could lead to a crash before release 2.6.24).
- 2.2 (2009-03-21)
- Features added
- * Support for standalone flag in XML declaration through
- tree.docinfo.standalone and by passing standalone=True/False on
- serialisation.
- Bugs fixed
- * Crash when parsing an XML Schema with external imports from a
- filename.
- 2.2beta4 (2009-02-27)
- Features added
- * Support strings and instantiable Element classes as child arguments
- to the constructor of custom Element classes.
- * GZip compression support for serialisation to files and file-like
- objects.
- Bugs fixed
- * Deep-copying an ElementTree copied neither its sibling PIs and
- comments nor its internal/external DTD subsets.
- * Soupparser failed on broken attributes without values.
- * Crash in XSLT when overwriting an already defined attribute using
- xsl:attribute.
- * Crash bug in exception handling code under Python 3. This was due to
- a problem in Cython, not lxml itself.
- * lxml.html.FormElement._name() failed for non top-level forms.
- * TAG special attribute in constructor of custom Element classes was
- evaluated incorrectly.
- Other changes
- * Official support for Python 3.0.1.
- * Element.findtext() now returns an empty string instead of None for
- Elements without text content.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
- 2.2beta3 (2009-02-17)
- Features added
- * XSLT.strparam() class method to wrap quoted string parameters that
- require escaping.
- Bugs fixed
- * Memory leak in XPath evaluators.
- * Crash when parsing indented XML in one thread and merging it with
- other documents parsed in another thread.
- * Setting the base attribute in lxml.objectify from a unicode string
- failed.
- * Fixes following changes in Python 3.0.1.
- * Minor fixes for Python 3.
- Other changes
- * The global error log (which is copied into the exception log) is now
- local to a thread, which fixes some race conditions.
- * More robust error handling on serialisation.
- 2.2beta2 (2009-01-25)
- Bugs fixed
- * Potential memory leak on exception handling. This was due to a
- problem in Cython, not lxml itself.
- * iter_links (and related link-rewriting functions) in lxml.html would
- interpret CSS like url('link') incorrectly (treating the quotation
- marks as part of the link).
- * Failing import on systems that have an io module.
- 2.2beta1 (2008-12-12)
- Features added
- * Allow lxml.html.diff.htmldiff to accept Element objects,
- not just HTML strings.
- Bugs fixed
- * Crash when using an XPath evaluator in multiple threads.
- * Fixed missing whitespace before Link:... in lxml.html.diff.
- Other changes
- * Export lxml.html.parse.
- Rebuild for Python 2.6
- Don't forget to upload the sources!
- 2.2alpha1 (2008-11-23)
- Features added
- * Support for XSLT result tree fragments in XPath/XSLT extension
- functions.
- * QName objects have new properties namespace and localname.
- * New options for exclusive C14N and C14N without comments.
- * Instantiating a custom Element classes creates a new Element.
- Bugs fixed
- * XSLT didn't inherit the parse options of the input document.
- * 0-bytes could slip through the API when used inside of Unicode
- strings.
- * With lxml.html.clean.autolink, links with balanced parenthesis, that
- end in a parenthesis, will be linked in their entirety (typical with
- Wikipedia links).
- 2.1.3 (2008-11-17)
- Bugs fixed
- * Ref-count leaks when lxml enters a try-except statement while an
- outside exception lives in sys.exc_*(). This was due to a problem
- in Cython, not lxml itself.
- * Parser Unicode decoding errors could get swallowed by other
- exceptions.
- * Name/import errors in some Python modules.
- * Internal DTD subsets that did not specify a system or public ID
- were not serialised and did not appear in the docinfo property
- of ElementTrees.
- * Fix a pre-Py3k warning when parsing from a gzip file in Py2.6.
- * Test suite fixes for libxml2 2.7.
- * Resolver.resolve_string() did not work for non-ASCII byte strings.
- * Resolver.resolve_file() was broken.
- * Overriding the parser encoding didn't work for many encodings.
- 2.1.2 (2008-09-05)
- Features added
- * lxml.etree now tries to find the absolute path name of files when
- parsing from a file-like object. This helps custom resolvers when
- resolving relative URLs, as lixbml2 can prepend them with the path of
- the source document.
- Bugs fixed
- * Memory problem when passing documents between threads.
- * Target parser did not honour the recover option and raised an exception
- instead of calling .close() on the target.
- Update to 2.1.1
- Update to 2.0.7
- Update download URL
- Update to 2.0.6
- Update to 2.0.5
- Update to 2.0.3
- Update to 2.0.2
- Update to 2.0.1
- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3
- Update to 1.3.6.
- Update to 1.3.5.
- Update to 1.3.4.
- Rebuild for selinux ppc32 issue.
- BR python-setuptools-devel
- Update to 1.3.3
- Update to 1.1.2
- Rebuild for new Python
- Rebuild for FC6
- Update to new upstream version
- Include, don't ghost .pyo files per new guidelines
- Update to new upstream release
- Update to new upstream release
- Update to new upstream 1.0 release
- Add python-setuptools to BuildRequires
- Use dist tag
- Fix summary and description
- update the new upstream version
- remove Pyrex build req
- Initial package
- Bumping due to problems with modular RPM upgrade path
- Resolves: rhbz#1695587
- Make possible to disable python3 subpackage
- Disable debugsource package
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild
- Clean up spec file
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuild for Python 3.6
- Ship python2-markupsafe
- Modernize spec
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Automatic_Provides_for_Python_RPM_Packages
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for Python3.5 rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
- Replace the python-setuptools-devel BR with python-setuptools
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
- Really rebuild for Python 3.4
- Rebuild for Python 3.4
- Update to 0.23
- Update to 0.18 (#678537)
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild
- rebuild for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_3.3
- remove rhel logic from with_python3 conditional
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
- rebuild for newer python3
- Update to 0.11
- rebuild with python3.2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild
- Fix missing setuptools BuildRequires.
- Fixed sitearch and python3 definitions to work better with older Fedora/RHEL.
- Initial version.
- Added patch for support pq_get_result_async()
- Resolves: #1909674
- Bumping due to problems with modular RPM upgrade path
- Resolves: rhbz#1695587
- Use the fully versioned binaries during build
- Related: rhbz#1619153
- Require python2-psycopg2 instead of python-psycopg2 from the
python2-psycopg2-debug subpackage
- Resolves: rhbz#1628242
- re-enable testsuite
- Disable failing tests
- BuildRequire also python36-rpm-macros as part of the python36 module build
- sync with fedora rawhide
- Let the doc subpackage be standalone installable
- Make requires on python36-devel/debug dependant on a python36_module bcond
- Revert switching Python 3 subpackages to the python3X- prefix
- Switch only the requires for python3-devel/debug to the python36-prefix:
the rest of the packages in the python36 collection will have the python3
prefix to be unified with the Python 3 packages for Platform-Python
- Switch the Python 3 subpackages to the python3X- prefix using
the 3 macro
- rebase to latest upstream release, per release notes:
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
- treat python3/python2 equally
- update to, per release notes:
- http://initd.org/psycopg/articles/2017/08/26/psycopg-2731-released/
- rebase to latest upstream release, per release notes:
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
- rebase to latest upstream release, per release notes:
- rebase to latest upstream release, per release notes:
- fix testsuite
- rebase to latest upstream release, per release notes:
- enable testsuite during build, and package it
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuild for Python 3.6
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Automatic_Provides_for_Python_RPM_Packages
- rebase (rhbz#1353545), per release notes
- provide python2-psycopg2 (rhbz#1306025)
- cleanup obsoleted packaging stuff
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
- again bump for new Python 3.5, not build previously?
- fix rpmlint issues
- no pyo files with python 3.5
* Tue Nov 10 2015 Fedora Release Engineering
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/python3.5
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 2.6.1
- Update to 2.6, per changes described at:
- Update to 2.5.4, per changes described at:
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
- rebase to most recent upstream version, per release notes:
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Python_3.4
- Update to 2.5.2, per changes described at:
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
- rebase to 2.5.1
- Update to 2.5, per changes described at:
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild
- rebuild for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_3.3
- generalize python 3 fileglobbing to work with both Python 3.2 and 3.3
- replace 'python3.2dmu' with 'python3-debug'; with_python3 fixes
- add with_python3 conditional
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 2.4.5
- Update to 2.4.4
- More specfile neatnik-ism
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
- Fix mistaken %dir marking on python3 files, per Dan Horak
- Update to 2.4.2
Related: #711095
- Some neatnik specfile cleanups
- 2.4.0-beta2
- add python 2 debug, python3 (optimized) and python3-debug subpackages
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 2.3.2
- Clean up a few rpmlint warnings
- Fix incorrect (and invalid) License: tag.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild
- Update to 2.2.2
- Update to 2.2.1
- Improve description for 2.2 features.
- Changelog for 2.2.0 is:
- Update to 2.0.14
- Update license (upstream switched to LGPL3)
- Fix rpmlint complaints: remove unneeded explicit Requires:, use Conflicts:
instead of bogus Obsoletes: to indicate lack of zope subpackage
- Update to 2.0.13
- Update to 2.0.12
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 2.0.11
- Update to 2.0.10
- Update to 2.0.9
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuild for Python 2.6
- Update to 2.0.8
- Update to 2.0.8
- Rebuild for Python 2.6
- fix license tags
- Update to 2.0.7
- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3
- Rebuilt against PostgreSQL 8.3
- Rebuild for rawhide changes
- Rebuild for selinux ppc32 issue.
- Update to 2.0.6
- Disabled zope package temporarily.
- Rebuilt
- Bumped up spec version
- Rebuilt for PostgreSQL 8.2.0
- Rebuilt
- Remove ghost'ing, per Python Packaging Guidelines
- Update to
- Fixed zope package dependencies and macro definition, per bugzilla review (#199784)
- Fixed zope package directory ownership, per bugzilla review (#199784)
- Fixed cp usage for zope subpackage, per bugzilla review (#199784)
- Fixed 64 bit builds
- Fixed license
- Added Zope subpackage
- Fixed typo in doc description
- Added macro for zope subpackage dir
- Update to 2.0.3
- Fixed spec file, per bugzilla review (#199784)
- Removed python dependency, per bugzilla review. (#199784)
- Changed doc package group, per bugzilla review. (#199784)
- Replaced dos2unix with sed, per guidelines and bugzilla review (#199784)
- Fix changelog dates
- Added dos2unix to buildrequires
- removed python related part from package name
- Fix rpmlint errors, including dos2unix solution
- Re-engineered spec file
* Mon Jan 23 2006 - Devrim GUNDUZ
- First 2.0.X build
* Mon Jan 23 2006 - Devrim GUNDUZ
- Update to 1.2.21
* Tue Dec 06 2005 - Devrim GUNDUZ
- Initial release for 1.1.20
- Bumping due to problems with modular RPM upgrade path
- Resolves: rhbz#1695587
- Make possible to disable python3 subpackage
- BuildRequire also python36-rpm-macros as part of the python36 module build
- Add a bcond for python2
- Make requires on python36-devel dependant on a python36_module bcond
- Hardcode requires on python36-devel for the python36 module. This will have
to be modified when python37 is added.
- make spec file compatible with epel7
- remove conditionals and always build for Python 3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
- Update Python 2 dependency declarations to new packaging standards
(See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FinalizingFedoraSwitchtoPython3)
- Update to 0.8.0
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 0.7.11
- Update to 0.7.10
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuild for Python 3.6
- cherrypick commit 755dfdc upstream to allow bind before connect
Related: rhbz#1378008
- Update to 0.7.9
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Automatic_Provides_for_Python_RPM_Packages
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
- Correct installation problems due to Requires: mariadb
- Rebuilt for python 3.5
- Drop unnecessary mariadb requirement
- Add python3 conditionals in order to rebuild it in EL7
- Update to 0.6.7
- Use %license in %files
- Move python2 package in its own subpackage
- Add provides
- Add Provides: python2-PyMySQL
- Remove usage of %py3dir
- Update to 0.6.6
- Initial packaging
- Bumping due to problems with modular RPM upgrade path
- Resolves: rhbz#1695587
- Stop providing the unversioned name python-SocksiPy
- Resolves: rhbz#1628242
- Make possible to disable python3 subpackage
- First version for python27 module
- Security fix for CVE-2023-32681
Resolves: rhbz#2209469
- Properly handle default ports when stripping the authorization header
Resolves: rhbz#1762422
- Bumping due to problems with modular RPM upgrade path
- Resolves: rhbz#1695587
- Update to v2.20.0 for CVE-2018-18074.
- Make possible to disable python3 subpackage
- First version for python27 module
- Allow build with Python 2
- Remove the python-pytest-cov dependency
- Update to v2.19.1 (rhbz 1591531)
- Update to v2.19.0 (rhbz 1590508)
- Skip all tests needing httpbin: httpbin has too many dependencies to be
shipped in RHEL just for build-time package tests
- BR idna, or the tests fail to start
- Stop injecting PyOpenSSL (rhbz 1567862)
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
- Fix ambiguous Python 2 dependency declarations
(See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FinalizingFedoraSwitchtoPython3)
- Update to 2.18.4
- Update to 2.18.2
- Drop the dependency on certifi in setup.py
- Update to 2.18.1 (#1449432)
- Remove tests that require non-local network (#1450608)
- Update to 2.14.2 (#1449432)
- Switch to autosetup to apply patches
- Don't run tests when building as a module
- Update to 2.13.0 (#1418138)
- Include and enable tests (now python-pytest-httpbin is packaged)
- Rebuild for Python 3.6 again.
- Update to 2.12.4. Fixes #1404680
- Rebuild for Python 3.6
- Update to 2.12.3. Fixes #1400601
- Update to 2.12.2
- Backport #3713. Fixes #1397149
- Update to 2.12.1. Fixes #1395469
- Unbundle idna, a new upstream dependency
- Update to 2.11.1. Fixes #1370814
- Update to 2.11.0. Fixes #1365332
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Automatic_Provides_for_Python_RPM_Packages
- Update python2 packaging.
- Fix python2 subpackage to comply with guidelines.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
- new version
- new version
- Latest upstream.
- Bump hard dep on urllib3 to 1.12.
- Rebuilt for Python3.5 rebuild
- Tell setuptools about what version of urllib3 we're unbundling
for https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/issues/2816
- Replace the provides macro with a plain provides field for now until we can
re-organize this package into two different subpackages.
- Remove 'provides: python2-requests' from the python3 subpackage, obviously.
- Employ %python_provides macro to provide python2-requests.
- Lock down the python-urllib3 version to the specific version we unbundled.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
- new version
- new version
- new version
- new version
- Remove patch for CVE-2015-2296, now included in the upstream release.
- Backport fix for CVE-2015-2296.
- new version
- new version
- Pin python-urllib3 requirement at 1.10.
- Fix requirement pinning syntax.
- Do the most basic of tests in the check section.
- Latest upstream, 2.5.0 for #1171068
- Latest upstream, 2.4.3 for #1136283
- Re-do unbundling by symlinking system libs into the requests/packages/ dir.
- fix license handling
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
- Latest upstream
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Python_3.4
- Latest upstream.
- Add doc macro to the python3 files section.
- Require python-urllib3 greater than or at 1.7.1.
- fix versioned dep on python-urllib3
- Explicitly versioned the requirements on python-urllib3.
- Release bump for a coupled update with python-urllib3.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
- Latest upstream.
- Fixed bogus date in changelog.
- Correct a rhel conditional on python-ordereddict
- Unbundled python-urllib3. Using system python-urllib3 now.
- Conditionally include python-ordereddict for el6.
- Unbundled python-charade/chardet. Using system python-chardet now.
- Removed deprecated comments and actions against oauthlib unbundling.
Those are no longer necessary in 1.1.0.
- Added links to bz tickets over Patch declarations.
- Latest upstream.
- Relicense to ASL 2.0 with upstream.
- Removed cookie handling patch (fixed in upstream tarball).
- Updated cert unbundling patch to match upstream.
- Added check section, but left it commented out for koji.
- Let brp_python_bytecompile run again, take care of the non-python{2,3} modules
by removing them from the python{,3}-requests package that they did not belong
- Use the certificates in the ca-certificates package instead of the bundled one
+ https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=904614
- Fix a problem with cookie handling
+ https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=906924
[ 0.14.1-1]
- Updated to latest upstream release
- Updated to latest upstream release 0.13.1
- Use system provided ca-certificates
- No more async requests use grrequests https://github.com/kennethreitz/grequests
- Remove gevent as it is no longer required by requests
- Updated to upstream release 0.11.1
- Support building package for EL6
- +python3-requests pkg
- Updated to new upstream version
- Updated to new upstream version 0.9.3
- Include python-gevent as a dependency for requests.async
- Clean up shebangs in requests/setup.py,test_requests.py and test_requests_ext.py
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
- New upstream version
- keep alive support
- complete removal of cookiejar and urllib2
- Updated to new upstream release 0.7.6
- Updated to version 0.6.6
- Updated to version 0.6.1
- Updated to latest version 0.6.0
- Remove OPT_FLAGS from build section since it is a noarch package
- Fix use of mixed tabs and space
- Remove extra space around the word cumbersome in description
- Initial package
- Security fix for CVE-2023-43804
Resolves: RHEL-11993
- Update RECENT_DATE dynamically
Related: rhbz#1883890 rhbz#1761380
- Security fix for CVE-2020-26137
Resolves: rhbz#1883890
- Rebased to 1.24.2 to fix CVE-2019-11324
- Added patches for CVE-2019-11236 (AKA CVE-2019-9740)
- Resolves: rhbz#1706765 rhbz#1706762
- Bumping due to problems with modular RPM upgrade path
- Resolves: rhbz#1695587
- Make possible to disable python3 subpackage
- First version for python27 module
- Fix FTBFS with newest tzdata
Resolves: rhbz#2217852
- Bumping due to problems with modular RPM upgrade path
- Resolves: rhbz#1695587
- Remove unversioned provides
- Resolves: rhbz#1628242
- Fix unversioned requires/buildrequires
- Resolves: rhbz#1628242
- Switch python3 coditions to bcond
- Change the shebang to a versioned Python executable
- Switch __python for __python2 macro.
- remove test_tzinfo.PicklingTest.testRoundtrip which fails with our
system-wide timezone database (#1497572)
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
- Cleanup spec file conditionals
- Python 2 binary package renamed to python2-pytz
See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FinalizingFedoraSwitchtoPython3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
- Update to 2017.2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild
- Enable tests
- Rebuild for Python 3.6
- Disable python3 tests for now
- Update to 2016.10
- Update to 2016.7
- Update to 2016.6.1 (RHBZ #1356337)
- Fix Source0 URL to override a change in PyPI URLs (see
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Automatic_Provides_for_Python_RPM_Packages
- Use proper PYTHONPATH with python3 test
- Use %license
- Drop BuildRoot and %clean
- Update to 2016.4 (RHBZ #1265036)
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for Python3.5 rebuild
- Update to 2015.7
- Update to 2015.4 (bug #1161236)
- Do not ship zoneinfo with python3 package (bug #1251554)
- Run tests
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Python_3.4
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild
- remove rhel logic from with_python3 conditional
- Use system zoneinfo, BZ 857266.
- Latest upstream, python3 support, BZ 851226.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild
- Define => global
- Update to current version, BZ 573252.
- Corrected Source0 URL, BZ 560168.
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuild for Python 2.6
- Apply patch correctly.
- Updated tzdata patch from Petr Machata bug 471014
- Update to latest, now using timezone files provided by tzdata package
- Fix for egg-info file creation
- Bump for rebuild against python 2.5 and change BR to python-devel accordingly
- Update to 2006p
- Update to 2006g
- Rebuild for gcc/glibc changes
- Update to 2005r
- Update to 2005m
- Remove -O1 from install command
- Initial Fedora Extras package
- Bumping due to problems with modular RPM upgrade path
- Resolves: rhbz#1695587
- Remove unversioned provides
- Resolves: rhbz#1628242
- Remove unversioned provides
- Resolves: rhbz#1628242
- Fix unversioned requires/buildrequires
- Resolves: rhbz#1628242
- Switch python3 coditions to bcond
- Use python2 macros instead of unversioned python macros
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
- Fix ambiguous Python 2 dependency declarations
(See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FinalizingFedoraSwitchtoPython3)
- Cleanup spec file conditionals
- Add Provides for the old name without %_isa
- Python 2 binary package renamed to python2-pyyaml
See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FinalizingFedoraSwitchtoPython3
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuild for Python 3.6
- New upstream release 3.12 (RHBZ#1371150)
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Automatic_Provides_for_Python_RPM_Packages
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild
- Add provides for python3-yaml (RHBZ#1288807)
- Rebuilt for Python3.5 rebuild
- Add provides for python2-yaml (RHBZ#1241678)
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild
- Add patch for CVE-2014-9130 (bug 1204829)
- fixed typecast issues using debian patch(int->size_t)(BZ#1140189)
- spec file cleanup
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
- fix license handling
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Python_3.4
- New upstream release 3.11 (BZ#1081521)
- Add check section and run test suite
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild
- rebuild for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_3.3
- remove rhel logic from with_python3 conditional
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
- Add Provides for python-yaml (BZ#740390)
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
- New upstream release 3.10
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
- Add support to build for python 3
- Bump release number for upgrade path
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild
- New upstream release 3.09
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
- Minor tweaks to spec file aligning with latest Fedora packaging guidelines
- Enforce inclusion of libyaml in build with --with-libyaml option to setup.py
- Deliver to %{python_sitearch} instead of %{python_sitelib} due to _yaml.so
- Thanks to Gareth Armstrong
- Correction, change libyaml to libyaml-devel in BuildRequires
- Add libyaml to BuildRequires
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
- New upstream release
- Rebuild for Python 2.6
- New upstream release
- Remove explicit dependency on python >= 2.3
- Remove executable on example script in docs
- Initial packaging for Fedora
- Remove RPATH from certain shared object files
- Resolves: rhbz#2213056
Related CVEs
Updated Packages
Release/Architecture | Filename | MD5sum | Superseded By Advisory | Channel Label |
Oracle Linux 8 (aarch64) | Cython-0.28.1-7.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 47bfcf8f2daa88b0ad5e67726e6c060e | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| PyYAML-3.12-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 56581bc7af5e59e7497de726afe7a0de | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| babel-2.5.1-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 43943a75d5c3830ad558418f43d36802 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| numpy-1.14.2-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 83e9a7863126c326c40010b7568d3dda | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| pytest-3.4.2-13.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 1afd47cfc1a5a0aa67ae3289ba53bf74 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-PyMySQL-0.8.0-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | ca0d7669b62caa7b7830708646ec49a8 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-attrs-17.4.0-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 10c8ff7686a348293575f1a8be3de103 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-backports-1.0-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | e7aef05843dd28ce1a87597665042a4a | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-backports-ssl_match_hostname- | 89784fd1db4a98887eeaa7a3cc3acd7d | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-chardet-3.0.4-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | fb8aaa3fbbe1416cb2cd4a36f173ebf4 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-coverage-4.5.1-5.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 1e366514509916f1b9f234b6cbb61dda | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-dns-1.15.0-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 067fdc82a3c6c7327c4e0349ddd40cde | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-docs-2.7.16-2.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | ec5579720552d661c6fb6f621212e7f3 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-docutils-0.14-12.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | e4186d2d56680853a73656987b525a60 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-funcsigs-1.0.2-13.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 6d8689aea3ac155de7559dfa2ef07221 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-idna-2.5-7.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 3daf017d40d075fa9bfce09f1c416522 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-ipaddress-1.0.18-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 0e9c55e19be9c7a8e023ff5ecb4860bf | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-jinja2-2.10-10.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.src.rpm | 48ccbbc6d94c95333e8d012eee29845a | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-lxml-4.2.3-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 92bf5428633063dbb14d45c4f026586e | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-markupsafe-0.23-19.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | f0128349745704b9e69daa1d62a6cd0d | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-mock-2.0.0-13.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | f1a9d7685c0552fea393129a50c04cf1 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-nose-1.3.7-31.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 12a9056a515a3067afc6c16dfae6d514 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-pluggy-0.6.0-8.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 37c37ba2fd3cf36e98dff1a9f6884576 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-psycopg2-2.7.5-8.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 51c57814b4912868afcf68bcfc156cf9 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-py-1.5.3-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | a891c1539fa469870bd35938008adcd8 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-pygments-2.2.0-22.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 3ae9ef7ff284ce652f1184dd8ab217a9 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-pymongo-3.7.0-1.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | c735c7cd3c845db346ac151b701221db | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-pysocks-1.6.8-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 2cbf9a5769857f8ef641aad06dc7a1d0 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-pytest-mock-1.9.0-4.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 6fc60dcc1baad992c2b37d576575b257 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-requests-2.20.0-4.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 2857ca83f8feaf589ed55be59ada0f1d | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-setuptools_scm-1.15.7-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 71dd61e6c46f36e650d6a501298243d6 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-sqlalchemy-1.3.2-2.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 01a9737028c4543201bb6436fea99900 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-urllib3-1.24.2-4.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.src.rpm | 0e2166867baa7ae66ecf545fabbfb3da | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-virtualenv-15.1.0-22.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 1330c53abe7265dfad66cbda47a11100 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-wheel-0.31.1-3.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 630bd3b4ff83a46852c5e84838a079b6 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-2.7.18-17.0.1.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.src.rpm | f13a65edf67f37e9d6971d14a10b3e65 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-pip-9.0.3-19.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 51076d6ec3a90ef80bb2f7265e03ae00 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-rpm-macros-3-38.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | e9ba57278dcca15b995c1786f3d2fe10 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-setuptools-39.0.1-14.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.src.rpm | f819322cc311cbb09f4196737bbe7eff | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-six-1.11.0-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 227dad25d35cbc07d456eb98cdc03daa | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| pytz-2017.2-13.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | fb3f8b6ff1e8d7fcc65e50a40a7a60bd | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| scipy-1.0.0-22.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 24684396c9f87dfec7363a0137328233 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| babel-2.5.1-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | d98dfa2b07fecc13dabaa99ee8d6e6ea | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-nose-docs-1.3.7-31.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 27c2ca7128d342d79b3af26766d0001e | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-psycopg2-doc-2.7.5-8.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.aarch64.rpm | 8a31b71e903dfec625ea0b4652bfdd9f | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python-sqlalchemy-doc-1.3.2-2.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 6adf8209ce73e293cfc298f213eb7460 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-2.7.18-17.0.1.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.aarch64.rpm | 77b25a4a620c497cc599a01d8d978300 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-Cython-0.28.1-7.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.aarch64.rpm | cabec244bc10c812fea2b54f3f808342 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-PyMySQL-0.8.0-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | d938765b1bea465dfd6a552cc1c37f1a | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-attrs-17.4.0-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 4f3a1b6affbd2eea501c083431da26f9 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-babel-2.5.1-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 33c4cc274a36d333e0f3c860ebc589d7 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-backports-1.0-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.aarch64.rpm | 1ed11f7ad288228ca313bf2d0a79d476 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-backports-ssl_match_hostname- | 8e496a76f392793497bd65d75354c624 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-bson-3.7.0-1.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.aarch64.rpm | 0a1482444b7d6b8e4bebb3624587fbf4 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-chardet-3.0.4-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | f4cb6d951f68586f7b11329e43075419 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-coverage-4.5.1-5.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.aarch64.rpm | 9c99faef179c01b4216542ad38456841 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-debug-2.7.18-17.0.1.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.aarch64.rpm | f4015dd05e0cd90ff672add9d099d904 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-devel-2.7.18-17.0.1.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.aarch64.rpm | 940df0387753f4d52be557e64f8fb655 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-dns-1.15.0-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | bfc266735ba15f10b484e493424229a4 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-docs-2.7.16-2.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | b2da4a5ad814af277fefc3f4d316cd5b | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-docs-info-2.7.16-2.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 9862b5cc3fb80fa1b3c4e5f2e209b90d | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-docutils-0.14-12.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | a785796c145628fa8e4348f83d5c0e04 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-funcsigs-1.0.2-13.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 4bd39c93c4e7bbd9a736cc6b3f63eb0e | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-idna-2.5-7.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 92c06883012fec4537b31cf25044c3c4 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-ipaddress-1.0.18-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | e0f5098c25355cb6aa833115ea161eaf | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-jinja2-2.10-10.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.noarch.rpm | 8782a9d8cefb1648077143d8fa97af18 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-libs-2.7.18-17.0.1.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.aarch64.rpm | 851b57a95e9d89de3ac63ceb3ad2736b | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-lxml-4.2.3-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.aarch64.rpm | 3a1a7561fe8bd4ca2e73341a69a34bcf | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-markupsafe-0.23-19.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.aarch64.rpm | cbdd532bd6436ac2eed6b9d6c12de685 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-mock-2.0.0-13.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 452852d9565a36ee59798162543c2afc | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-nose-1.3.7-31.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 7cad4a5137b3e73ed3704e70cbfee446 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-numpy-1.14.2-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.aarch64.rpm | 3d79626dccf9d7ae27a3daecba458710 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-numpy-doc-1.14.2-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | b6315b9d3b11fa137f3979b97b218d5c | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-numpy-f2py-1.14.2-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.aarch64.rpm | 001929be5408415f96060b67939c579b | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-pip-9.0.3-19.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 773805fd496113d917c2b8f75a690767 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-pip-wheel-9.0.3-19.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 1c4eeba99f9b5c9ef7a1e165bf6d276f | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-pluggy-0.6.0-8.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 7034b98ae960674daa21bde81e97d50d | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-psycopg2-2.7.5-8.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.aarch64.rpm | c2f436c6dc40f4955cbe823f74b8bf88 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-psycopg2-debug-2.7.5-8.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.aarch64.rpm | ee67ec23e7dcb71124689872c6c68065 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-psycopg2-tests-2.7.5-8.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.aarch64.rpm | cddcc771ebfb26155551296d34db5f3e | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-py-1.5.3-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | ec68838fe2349685cc3298d8b225d657 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-pygments-2.2.0-22.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | ddec1f601015d68499fedd864d74fd0c | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-pymongo-3.7.0-1.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.aarch64.rpm | 9595d346e1460526642d6631fbc68bbe | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-pymongo-gridfs-3.7.0-1.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.aarch64.rpm | e2f1ca4e61188658028f321cf72acc52 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-pysocks-1.6.8-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | ceb9a63eef80802e651cdb9a6b0bd809 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-pytest-3.4.2-13.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | a918bb43b3c520b21923b9e3cd19b371 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-pytest-mock-1.9.0-4.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 75569e076fec5fa90916a576c3fecbb1 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-pytz-2017.2-13.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | f85b91a8fcc02e3f1327ff28d77737af | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-pyyaml-3.12-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.aarch64.rpm | b2590ebac3f9962d616d7880176bb48d | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-requests-2.20.0-4.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | c3cd87669528b1e9668acf4d03cce555 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-rpm-macros-3-38.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 8c3acc09593ba6b0bb090ebf4655ac09 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-scipy-1.0.0-22.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.aarch64.rpm | 1d4c7979a4f31982a4c04d7b5688c317 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-setuptools-39.0.1-14.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.noarch.rpm | 8999d855981f053f78b723b29c6e16b6 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-setuptools-wheel-39.0.1-14.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.noarch.rpm | 66d52258db1cfef2914eb77261ff6f0e | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-setuptools_scm-1.15.7-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 58a9564ea1facf940201d3078c09d60d | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-six-1.11.0-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | d9228d0606ee9ddf403dd996e6666e68 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-sqlalchemy-1.3.2-2.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.aarch64.rpm | 96c1ce62403544514afe482c41549469 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-test-2.7.18-17.0.1.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.aarch64.rpm | a6c7b4b29d7ad70014437f05b07a03a6 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-tkinter-2.7.18-17.0.1.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.aarch64.rpm | c1d607c33f48c357095571e9622ab085 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-tools-2.7.18-17.0.1.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.aarch64.rpm | 92a9886ae6cdd6cb747c22fe57295d7a | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-urllib3-1.24.2-4.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.noarch.rpm | 6ef0d1d41200defb1455b420430b557a | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-virtualenv-15.1.0-22.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 3fec1d86d63fc7279e0be99b484fdf6e | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-wheel-0.31.1-3.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | f519b2891a896b490b1b0f391755d465 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
| python2-wheel-wheel-0.31.1-3.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | a5afe36327b758ab9f2b85821934a2d7 | - | ol8_aarch64_appstream |
Oracle Linux 8 (x86_64) | Cython-0.28.1-7.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 47bfcf8f2daa88b0ad5e67726e6c060e | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| PyYAML-3.12-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 56581bc7af5e59e7497de726afe7a0de | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| babel-2.5.1-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 43943a75d5c3830ad558418f43d36802 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| numpy-1.14.2-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 83e9a7863126c326c40010b7568d3dda | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| pytest-3.4.2-13.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 1afd47cfc1a5a0aa67ae3289ba53bf74 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-PyMySQL-0.8.0-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | ca0d7669b62caa7b7830708646ec49a8 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-attrs-17.4.0-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 10c8ff7686a348293575f1a8be3de103 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-backports-1.0-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | e7aef05843dd28ce1a87597665042a4a | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-backports-ssl_match_hostname- | 89784fd1db4a98887eeaa7a3cc3acd7d | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-chardet-3.0.4-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | fb8aaa3fbbe1416cb2cd4a36f173ebf4 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-coverage-4.5.1-5.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 1e366514509916f1b9f234b6cbb61dda | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-dns-1.15.0-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 067fdc82a3c6c7327c4e0349ddd40cde | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-docs-2.7.16-2.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | ec5579720552d661c6fb6f621212e7f3 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-docutils-0.14-12.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | e4186d2d56680853a73656987b525a60 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-funcsigs-1.0.2-13.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 6d8689aea3ac155de7559dfa2ef07221 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-idna-2.5-7.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 3daf017d40d075fa9bfce09f1c416522 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-ipaddress-1.0.18-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 0e9c55e19be9c7a8e023ff5ecb4860bf | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-jinja2-2.10-10.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.src.rpm | 48ccbbc6d94c95333e8d012eee29845a | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-lxml-4.2.3-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 92bf5428633063dbb14d45c4f026586e | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-markupsafe-0.23-19.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | f0128349745704b9e69daa1d62a6cd0d | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-mock-2.0.0-13.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | f1a9d7685c0552fea393129a50c04cf1 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-nose-1.3.7-31.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 12a9056a515a3067afc6c16dfae6d514 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-pluggy-0.6.0-8.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 37c37ba2fd3cf36e98dff1a9f6884576 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-psycopg2-2.7.5-8.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 51c57814b4912868afcf68bcfc156cf9 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-py-1.5.3-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | a891c1539fa469870bd35938008adcd8 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-pygments-2.2.0-22.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 3ae9ef7ff284ce652f1184dd8ab217a9 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-pymongo-3.7.0-1.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | c735c7cd3c845db346ac151b701221db | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-pysocks-1.6.8-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 2cbf9a5769857f8ef641aad06dc7a1d0 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-pytest-mock-1.9.0-4.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 6fc60dcc1baad992c2b37d576575b257 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-requests-2.20.0-4.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 2857ca83f8feaf589ed55be59ada0f1d | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-setuptools_scm-1.15.7-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 71dd61e6c46f36e650d6a501298243d6 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-sqlalchemy-1.3.2-2.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 01a9737028c4543201bb6436fea99900 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-urllib3-1.24.2-4.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.src.rpm | 0e2166867baa7ae66ecf545fabbfb3da | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-virtualenv-15.1.0-22.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 1330c53abe7265dfad66cbda47a11100 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-wheel-0.31.1-3.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 630bd3b4ff83a46852c5e84838a079b6 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-2.7.18-17.0.1.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.src.rpm | f13a65edf67f37e9d6971d14a10b3e65 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-pip-9.0.3-19.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 51076d6ec3a90ef80bb2f7265e03ae00 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-rpm-macros-3-38.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | e9ba57278dcca15b995c1786f3d2fe10 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-setuptools-39.0.1-14.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.src.rpm | f819322cc311cbb09f4196737bbe7eff | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-six-1.11.0-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 227dad25d35cbc07d456eb98cdc03daa | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| pytz-2017.2-13.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | fb3f8b6ff1e8d7fcc65e50a40a7a60bd | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| scipy-1.0.0-22.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.src.rpm | 24684396c9f87dfec7363a0137328233 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| babel-2.5.1-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | d98dfa2b07fecc13dabaa99ee8d6e6ea | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-nose-docs-1.3.7-31.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 27c2ca7128d342d79b3af26766d0001e | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-psycopg2-doc-2.7.5-8.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 085e78dda5af2c945d8c7bab1b3b605b | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python-sqlalchemy-doc-1.3.2-2.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 6adf8209ce73e293cfc298f213eb7460 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-2.7.18-17.0.1.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.x86_64.rpm | 2621624e8380faf37e3049ace714a9d7 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-Cython-0.28.1-7.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 6837c37eef5c0807da4a4d70eb4aa6d9 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-PyMySQL-0.8.0-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | d938765b1bea465dfd6a552cc1c37f1a | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-attrs-17.4.0-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 4f3a1b6affbd2eea501c083431da26f9 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-babel-2.5.1-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 33c4cc274a36d333e0f3c860ebc589d7 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-backports-1.0-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 9c8871e7f72c687c08e307f268d1e9e5 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-backports-1.0-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 9c8871e7f72c687c08e307f268d1e9e5 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-backports-1.0-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 9c8871e7f72c687c08e307f268d1e9e5 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-backports-1.0-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 9c8871e7f72c687c08e307f268d1e9e5 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-backports-1.0-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 9c8871e7f72c687c08e307f268d1e9e5 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-backports-1.0-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 9c8871e7f72c687c08e307f268d1e9e5 | - | exadata_dbserver_24. |
| python2-backports-1.0-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 9c8871e7f72c687c08e307f268d1e9e5 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-backports-ssl_match_hostname- | 8e496a76f392793497bd65d75354c624 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-backports-ssl_match_hostname- | 8e496a76f392793497bd65d75354c624 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-backports-ssl_match_hostname- | 8e496a76f392793497bd65d75354c624 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-backports-ssl_match_hostname- | 8e496a76f392793497bd65d75354c624 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-backports-ssl_match_hostname- | 8e496a76f392793497bd65d75354c624 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-backports-ssl_match_hostname- | 8e496a76f392793497bd65d75354c624 | - | exadata_dbserver_24. |
| python2-backports-ssl_match_hostname- | 8e496a76f392793497bd65d75354c624 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-bson-3.7.0-1.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 5d6d3a678adb64e5fb3ee246a1a587dd | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-chardet-3.0.4-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | f4cb6d951f68586f7b11329e43075419 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-chardet-3.0.4-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | f4cb6d951f68586f7b11329e43075419 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-chardet-3.0.4-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | f4cb6d951f68586f7b11329e43075419 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-chardet-3.0.4-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | f4cb6d951f68586f7b11329e43075419 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-chardet-3.0.4-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | f4cb6d951f68586f7b11329e43075419 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-chardet-3.0.4-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | f4cb6d951f68586f7b11329e43075419 | - | exadata_dbserver_24. |
| python2-chardet-3.0.4-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | f4cb6d951f68586f7b11329e43075419 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-coverage-4.5.1-5.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | aee624c671fa6baff433c26f6db7f1f5 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-debug-2.7.18-17.0.1.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.x86_64.rpm | 9d15eb444ef54444542fcc6d0460d30d | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-devel-2.7.18-17.0.1.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.x86_64.rpm | a677fee9259724147e529a35dc801304 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-dns-1.15.0-10.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | bfc266735ba15f10b484e493424229a4 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-docs-2.7.16-2.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | b2da4a5ad814af277fefc3f4d316cd5b | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-docs-info-2.7.16-2.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 9862b5cc3fb80fa1b3c4e5f2e209b90d | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-docutils-0.14-12.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | a785796c145628fa8e4348f83d5c0e04 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-funcsigs-1.0.2-13.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 4bd39c93c4e7bbd9a736cc6b3f63eb0e | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-idna-2.5-7.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 92c06883012fec4537b31cf25044c3c4 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-idna-2.5-7.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 92c06883012fec4537b31cf25044c3c4 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-idna-2.5-7.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 92c06883012fec4537b31cf25044c3c4 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-idna-2.5-7.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 92c06883012fec4537b31cf25044c3c4 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-idna-2.5-7.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 92c06883012fec4537b31cf25044c3c4 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-idna-2.5-7.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 92c06883012fec4537b31cf25044c3c4 | - | exadata_dbserver_24. |
| python2-idna-2.5-7.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 92c06883012fec4537b31cf25044c3c4 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-ipaddress-1.0.18-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | e0f5098c25355cb6aa833115ea161eaf | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-ipaddress-1.0.18-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | e0f5098c25355cb6aa833115ea161eaf | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-ipaddress-1.0.18-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | e0f5098c25355cb6aa833115ea161eaf | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-ipaddress-1.0.18-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | e0f5098c25355cb6aa833115ea161eaf | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-ipaddress-1.0.18-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | e0f5098c25355cb6aa833115ea161eaf | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-ipaddress-1.0.18-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | e0f5098c25355cb6aa833115ea161eaf | - | exadata_dbserver_24. |
| python2-ipaddress-1.0.18-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | e0f5098c25355cb6aa833115ea161eaf | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-jinja2-2.10-10.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.noarch.rpm | 8782a9d8cefb1648077143d8fa97af18 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-libs-2.7.18-17.0.1.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.x86_64.rpm | bef8028248081d7c836f9b7b62c4e166 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-lxml-4.2.3-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 093f0f4bb9bf4183261f737370a1803c | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-lxml-4.2.3-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 093f0f4bb9bf4183261f737370a1803c | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-lxml-4.2.3-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 093f0f4bb9bf4183261f737370a1803c | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-lxml-4.2.3-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 093f0f4bb9bf4183261f737370a1803c | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-lxml-4.2.3-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 093f0f4bb9bf4183261f737370a1803c | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-lxml-4.2.3-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 093f0f4bb9bf4183261f737370a1803c | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-markupsafe-0.23-19.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | aa996004a613d0c2ab5dabbcc0f5ff7a | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-mock-2.0.0-13.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 452852d9565a36ee59798162543c2afc | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-nose-1.3.7-31.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 7cad4a5137b3e73ed3704e70cbfee446 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-numpy-1.14.2-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 68bd80ee9a32decfbfa22e0dd7a3098e | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-numpy-doc-1.14.2-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | b6315b9d3b11fa137f3979b97b218d5c | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-numpy-f2py-1.14.2-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 33215ebcd11efd969ecedb9da60c96ae | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-pip-9.0.3-19.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 773805fd496113d917c2b8f75a690767 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-pip-wheel-9.0.3-19.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 1c4eeba99f9b5c9ef7a1e165bf6d276f | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-pip-wheel-9.0.3-19.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 1c4eeba99f9b5c9ef7a1e165bf6d276f | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-pip-wheel-9.0.3-19.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 1c4eeba99f9b5c9ef7a1e165bf6d276f | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-pip-wheel-9.0.3-19.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 1c4eeba99f9b5c9ef7a1e165bf6d276f | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-pip-wheel-9.0.3-19.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 1c4eeba99f9b5c9ef7a1e165bf6d276f | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-pip-wheel-9.0.3-19.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 1c4eeba99f9b5c9ef7a1e165bf6d276f | - | exadata_dbserver_24. |
| python2-pip-wheel-9.0.3-19.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 1c4eeba99f9b5c9ef7a1e165bf6d276f | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-pluggy-0.6.0-8.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 7034b98ae960674daa21bde81e97d50d | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-psycopg2-2.7.5-8.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 14e688815057b71d4a59e339dadb4604 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-psycopg2-debug-2.7.5-8.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 19c74de7f1b66d25a8ae72133f53d574 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-psycopg2-tests-2.7.5-8.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 623a8f0bba454702e5672e3db4b12cd9 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-py-1.5.3-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | ec68838fe2349685cc3298d8b225d657 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-pygments-2.2.0-22.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | ddec1f601015d68499fedd864d74fd0c | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-pymongo-3.7.0-1.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 8601db62e9ff0bdabefcbecfda9852fe | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-pymongo-gridfs-3.7.0-1.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | a997efa9c18cab13f92f94b51588e540 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-pysocks-1.6.8-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | ceb9a63eef80802e651cdb9a6b0bd809 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-pysocks-1.6.8-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | ceb9a63eef80802e651cdb9a6b0bd809 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-pysocks-1.6.8-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | ceb9a63eef80802e651cdb9a6b0bd809 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-pysocks-1.6.8-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | ceb9a63eef80802e651cdb9a6b0bd809 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-pysocks-1.6.8-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | ceb9a63eef80802e651cdb9a6b0bd809 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-pysocks-1.6.8-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | ceb9a63eef80802e651cdb9a6b0bd809 | - | exadata_dbserver_24. |
| python2-pysocks-1.6.8-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | ceb9a63eef80802e651cdb9a6b0bd809 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-pytest-3.4.2-13.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | a918bb43b3c520b21923b9e3cd19b371 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-pytest-mock-1.9.0-4.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 75569e076fec5fa90916a576c3fecbb1 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-pytz-2017.2-13.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | f85b91a8fcc02e3f1327ff28d77737af | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-pyyaml-3.12-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 6f14ee7d9e8806ef265147e41711bfa2 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-pyyaml-3.12-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 6f14ee7d9e8806ef265147e41711bfa2 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-pyyaml-3.12-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 6f14ee7d9e8806ef265147e41711bfa2 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-pyyaml-3.12-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 6f14ee7d9e8806ef265147e41711bfa2 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-pyyaml-3.12-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 6f14ee7d9e8806ef265147e41711bfa2 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-pyyaml-3.12-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 6f14ee7d9e8806ef265147e41711bfa2 | - | exadata_dbserver_24. |
| python2-pyyaml-3.12-16.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | 6f14ee7d9e8806ef265147e41711bfa2 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-requests-2.20.0-4.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | c3cd87669528b1e9668acf4d03cce555 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-requests-2.20.0-4.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | c3cd87669528b1e9668acf4d03cce555 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-requests-2.20.0-4.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | c3cd87669528b1e9668acf4d03cce555 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-requests-2.20.0-4.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | c3cd87669528b1e9668acf4d03cce555 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-requests-2.20.0-4.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | c3cd87669528b1e9668acf4d03cce555 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-requests-2.20.0-4.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | c3cd87669528b1e9668acf4d03cce555 | - | exadata_dbserver_24. |
| python2-requests-2.20.0-4.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | c3cd87669528b1e9668acf4d03cce555 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-rpm-macros-3-38.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 8c3acc09593ba6b0bb090ebf4655ac09 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-scipy-1.0.0-22.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | fea906844772803e092863c54db7ba66 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-setuptools-39.0.1-14.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.noarch.rpm | 8999d855981f053f78b723b29c6e16b6 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-setuptools-wheel-39.0.1-14.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.noarch.rpm | 66d52258db1cfef2914eb77261ff6f0e | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-setuptools_scm-1.15.7-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 58a9564ea1facf940201d3078c09d60d | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-six-1.11.0-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | d9228d0606ee9ddf403dd996e6666e68 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-six-1.11.0-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | d9228d0606ee9ddf403dd996e6666e68 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-six-1.11.0-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | d9228d0606ee9ddf403dd996e6666e68 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-six-1.11.0-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | d9228d0606ee9ddf403dd996e6666e68 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-six-1.11.0-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | d9228d0606ee9ddf403dd996e6666e68 | - | exadata_dbserver_23. |
| python2-six-1.11.0-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | d9228d0606ee9ddf403dd996e6666e68 | - | exadata_dbserver_24. |
| python2-six-1.11.0-6.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | d9228d0606ee9ddf403dd996e6666e68 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-sqlalchemy-1.3.2-2.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.x86_64.rpm | e816fbc3757565a0db025c9f53aee5a3 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-test-2.7.18-17.0.1.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.x86_64.rpm | e9ad589df0489fe1f9b46d0581c7f9e1 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-tkinter-2.7.18-17.0.1.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.x86_64.rpm | e94e02938751dab1e4fd7fe9109bbeec | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-tools-2.7.18-17.0.1.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.x86_64.rpm | 222f7dc8f2fc917b88ff8361a26b48de | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-urllib3-1.24.2-4.module+el8.10.0+90286+7c291053.noarch.rpm | 6ef0d1d41200defb1455b420430b557a | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-virtualenv-15.1.0-22.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | 3fec1d86d63fc7279e0be99b484fdf6e | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-wheel-0.31.1-3.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | f519b2891a896b490b1b0f391755d465 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
| python2-wheel-wheel-0.31.1-3.module+el8.9.0+90013+b7cb8eec.noarch.rpm | a5afe36327b758ab9f2b85821934a2d7 | - | ol8_x86_64_appstream |
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