
OVMSA-2015-0123 - openldap security update

Release Date:2015-09-29


- CVE-2015-6908 openldap: ber_get_next denial of service vulnerability (#1263171)

- fix: nslcd segfaults due to incorrect mutex initialization (#1144294)

- fix: Updating openldap deletes database if slapd.conf is used (#1193519)

- fix: ppc64: slaptest segfault in openldap-2.4.40 (#1202696)

- fix: bring back accidentaly removed patch (#1147983)

- rebase to 2.4.40 (#1147983)

- fix: make /etc/openldap/check_password.conf readable by ldap (#1155390)

- revert previous patch (#1172296)
- fix: crash in ldap_domain2hostlist when processing SRV record (#1164369)
- support TLS 1.1 and later (#1160467)
- enhancement: add ppolicy-check-password (#1155390)

- fix: prevent freed memory reuse (#1172296)

- fix: provide a shim libldif.so (#1110382)

- fix: remove correct tmp file when generating server cert (#1102083)

- remove unapplied patches

- fix: TLS_REQCERT documentation in client manpage (#1027796)

- review %configure and remove nonexistent options

- add another missing patch forgotten during the rebase
- fix: enable dynamic linking - unresolved symbols in the smbk5pwd module

- add missing patches that were removed by mistake during the rebase

- rebase to 2.4.39 (#923680)
+ drop a lot of upstreamed patches, backport the rest
+ compile in mdb
+ remove automatic slapd.conf -> slapd-config conversion

- fix: segfault on certain queries with rwm overlay (#1003038)

- fix: deadlock during SSL_ForceHandshake (#996373)
+ revert nss-handshake-threadsafe.patch

Related CVEs


Updated Packages

Release/ArchitectureFilenameMD5sumSuperseded By Advisory
Oracle VM 3.3 (x86_64) openldap-2.4.40-6.el6_7.src.rpm9f7b1cab56f92694c0802130cc487f80OVMBA-2018-0141
Oracle VM 3.4 (x86_64) openldap-2.4.40-6.el6_7.src.rpm9f7b1cab56f92694c0802130cc487f80OVMBA-2018-0141

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